The Meeting

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"Miss Bennet is my patient too. Looks like you're going to be training me today." My sister says. I smile and trurn to face a very confused Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, this is my sister and student nurse, Audra. As I'm sure you've heard, she will also be taking part in Chloe's care in an effort to hone her nursing skills. I hope that is alright with you." I say politely.

"Of course, thank you Audra." She says.

"Excellent, Audra would you mind doing a physical exam on Miss Bennet and telling me what you find?" I ask. She nods and immediately gets to work. I watch with pride as she performs each step perfectly and confidently.

"Pulse is normal, albeit slightly faint. Respiratory rate is low, 10 breaths a minute and shallow. Elizabeth, does Miss Bennet have any prior medical concerns?" Audra asks.

"Nothing serious I'm aware of, just asthma that she's had since childhood."

"I see, thank you. That's very helpful. Do you what triggers Miss Bennet's asthma attacks?" Audra says.

"The only thing I know is dust."

"I see. It is entirely likely that something else triggered an asthma attack this morning which then caused Chloe to lose consciousness and collapse. I'm going to ask the physician to order a test to determine what her triggers may be." I explain. Elizabeth simply nods before I quickly run to get the doctor. Within the next few hours, the test was ordered, administered, and the results analyzed.

"Elizabeth, not only did Chloe have her asthma triggered by dust, but also by pollen. I'm going to administer this inhaler to help open up her airways and allow her to breathe easier." I say.

"Thank you. For everything." She says.

"There's no need to thank me. Audra and I did what any nurse would do. Now, with that being said, she should start to rouse momentarily. When she does, please alert one of us as we need to conduct a final assessment before her discharge." I say as she nods. Smiling, Audra and I walk out of the room to take a seat at the nursing station.

"So, do you like her?" Audra asks quietly, smirking.

"What? Who? Elizabeth?" I ask, bewildered.

"No, Chloe. I may be inexperienced, but I'm not blind. The way you treated her and Elizabeth was above and beyond our responsibility." I looked in shock at my sister.

"I don't like Chloe! Did you forget that we are forbidden from having any relationships with our patients?"

"Who says she's going to be your patient must longer? Once she's discharged, that regulation no longer applies. You're free to do as you wish." Audra says. All of sudden, a loud chime went off, signaling triage bay 1 needed assistance. The two of us quickly made our way over and entered the room.

"Y/N, Audra, Chloe is starting to wake up." As I observe her, I notice her hands starting to twitch and her breathing quickening. Then as if someone had flipped a switch, her eyes flutter open to reveal her beautiful brown orbs.

"Miss Bennet, how are you feeling?" I ask softly.

"I'm fine thank you. Where am I? How did I get here?" She asks.

"I'm Y/N, your nurse, and this is your student nurse, Audra. You are currently in the hospital because you fainted, a few hours ago this morning. With your friend's help, we were able to determine that this occurred because of your asthma. Pollen on the streets of Toronto triggered this attack quite rapidly. As such, we have given you a strong inhaler to use during times of heavy pollen. Any questions?" I ask.

The Fallen Angel (Chloe Bennet/You)Where stories live. Discover now