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Your POV

I looked frantically around the mounds of twisted metal and broken glass desperately hoping to find the love of my life.

"Chloe!" Nothing, just empty silence. I say down on the soggy grass and buried my face in to my hands. Tears flowed out of me at an inhuman pace as I felt my hear shatter. Things could have been different had I not been so stupid and selfish. Chloe could have been with me right now, in the comfort of our home. My sister and I would still have a relationship. Most importantly, everyone would've been happy, but, of course, I had to screw everything up. I guess that's what I am, a total screw up.

Three Years Earlier

"Audra! Finally you decide to show up!" I exclaim, noticing my younger sister walk through the door of the small cozy coffee shop located in downtown Toronto, Canada. She laughs and charges toward me before bringing me in for a hug. We sit down as the staff bring us our food and beverages.

"So, what are you up to today?" She asks.

"Not much, it's my day off. So maybe just lying on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and binge watch TV shows? You?" Audra shrugs her shoulders.

"I've got practicum in a few hours. And I guess I'll do some studying before hand. The hard life of being a nursing student."

"You're almost there Audra, your dream is within reach. Now is not the time to give up. I'm proud of what you've become, and I know for a fact mom and dad would be too." I say, smiling. Pretty soon, she left to join her friends and classmates to study, waving to me as she walks down the street. I quickly pay the bill and prepare to head home myself. As I exit the warm interior of the cafe, I'm met with a gust of chilly spring wind.

"Help!" A panicked voice yells from around the corner. I quickly sprint toward the mysterious voice to see a young woman likely in her early to mid twenties lying motionless on the ground.

"Call 911! NOW!" I yell at the other woman overlooking the patient. She nods ands pulls out her phone. Meanwhile, I put my years of training to the test. Seconds felt like minutes as I counted each chest compression I did and each rescue breath I gave.

"Come on! Breath lady! Come on!" I yelled. My arms felt like spaghetti after a period of time, but I couldn't stopped, at least, not yet. The sound of the incoming siren was uplifting to say the least, knowing help had finally arrived and this woman might survive.

"Sir, we'll take over now. You did one hell of a job." One of the paramedics say, putting his hand on my shoulder. I slowly stand up and back away feeling tired and shocked at the scene in front of me. By this time a large crowd had gathered around us.
Swiveling my head to the left, I notice the woman who had dialled emergency services now starting to get weak.

"Ma'am, please take a seat." I call out as I quickly jog over to her. I sit next to her and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"My friend, will she make it?" She asks, tears close to falling.

"It's hard to say Miss...." I trail off.

"Henstridge, but please call me Elizabeth. And thank you for helping so quickly."

"I only did what was I felt was right and what I am trained to do. Your friend's condition is serious, but there is a good chance she will pull through. Come on, you better get to the hospital." I say, smiling softly. She tightly embraces me before setting off on her way to Toronto General. Sighing, I pick myself off the ground and make my way to my parked car. Once I'm at home, I collapse on to my bed in an effort to refresh and recuperate. However, that plan was short lived as my phone started blasting my ringtone from my nightstand.


"Y/N, I need you here as soon as possible. I've got a Code Orange and it's all hands on deck." My boss says.

"I'll be at the hospital in 15."

"Thank you, I'll see you soon." The line then disconnects abruptly. I quickly throw on a set of scrubs and make my way to the hospital nervous of what's to come. Upon my arrival I'm greeted by my boss who emphatically hands me two large binders.

"Y/N, you have triage bay 1 and 2." I nod and head off to visit my two patients, starting with bed 1.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice calls out when I enter the room. I have the woman from earlier as my patient.

"Elizabeth, it's nice to see you again. How is Chloe?" I ask, reading the name off the chart. Elizabeth sighs, glancing at her friend.

"Not much better. You never told me you were a nurse."

"Sorry, I guess that never came up. Elizabeth, I promise to do everything I can to help Chloe recover. You have my word." I say. Turning my attention to Chloe, I began my assessment until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spin around in fright.

"Audra? What are you doing here?"

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment if you want me to continue this story! Stay safe!


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