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DESSXMX  just posted a photo!

dessxmx  ive been waiting so long for a love like this 🥰

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dessxmx  ive been waiting so long for a love
like this 🥰

view comments !

josiealesia i miss youuu, come back 😠
dessxmx sooooonnnn 💗

devenityperkins cutie 🤪
dessxmx not even 😤

mauriciohernandez_ 🤩
dessxmx 👁👅👁

user im beginning to ship mauricio w
dessxmx just friends 💖

user i miss darlos 🥺🥺
dessxmx 😐
carlosmena me too ☹️

user ever since carlos and des broke
up i haven't been happy 😕
dessxmx please smile, do not let
our breakup affect you 🥺🥺

user are you still friends with carlos's friends?
dessxmx no, theyre his friends not mine.
besides hanging out with them would
be wayyyy too weird 😬

WAKING up, destiny looked around and saw jaslene and luna still sleeping. she didn't quite remember much from last night, aside from all the yelling along with a scar. destiny groaned and got up. her scar was on her ankle, and it didn't seem too big, but the pain, was real.

when destiny arrived to her hotel room last night, her parents were there and basically yelled/disciplined her and her mother threw a small nail at her ankle. this was caused due to destiny 'talking back' and attempting to run away. all she said was 'okay can i go now?' she knew she fucked up once her mother gave her a dirty look. her father, did not hit her, only yelled.

      destiny left her room and went into the bathroom. she decided to take a shower to relive herself. as she showered, many thoughts surrounded her head. she was beginning to despise this trip. the only good thing was being able to hang out with mauricio. suddenly, destiny remembered her family said they would explore many parts of new york, which means they were going on a road trip. destiny never really liked road trips because one, she was always squished, second, luna would always cry and everybody would be loud, and last, she never got snacks.

      her family would never pack snacks which ended up with them parking at gas stations and getting the most disgusting cheap snacks available. in other cases, they packed leftover food from the fridge. once destiny had finished her shower, she returned back to her room and got ready. luna and jaslene were up and getting ready as well. "hey jaslene, do you know what we're gonna do today?"

      "yeah, my mom said we're going to drive around the city for like the entire day." destiny groaned and was beginning to dislike the sound of that. "i hate this trip to be honest." she told jaslene as she stood up. "same, i wanna go home. i feel like dad and mom ruined this trip." jaslene admitted. "i don't necessarily think anybody ruined this trip, i just believe this trip is ass in general. like we should've gone another time." destiny replied. "niñas!" their mother called from outside of their room.

     walking out, they saw their parents sitting down on the couch. "let's go. do you guys need to use the restroom?" she asked. "no." she nodded and stood up. "well let's go." jaslene told her dad. he got up and they all silently walked out of their suite. the silence felt uncomfortable so jaslene decided to say something. "so what part of new york are we gonna visit?" her mom laughed. "all of it." she looked at her in confusion. "that's literally impossible." jaslene, along with everybody else, walked down the staircase. "we're just gonna drive around," she placed a hand on jaslene's shoulder. destiny stayed behind to carry luna. "you know, if we like new york we might move here." their father added. "that's not true, new york is too, crowded. i like los angeles."

arriving at their car, destiny and jaslene sat in the back along with luna. it was another cloudy day in new york, which reminded destiny of mauricio. apparently, their air conditioner didn't serve warm air, only cold. so destiny brought blankets. she knew they could roll up their windows but her father liked having his window down to see the dumbass drivers. their windows were tinted, which destiny liked. she always felt like she was being stared at but now, she finally had some privacy. well, not really. she still had jaslene and luna, but they didn't even act their age. luna throws tantrums here and there, but jaslene is completely chill.

      destiny put on her seatbelt, and proceeded to snuggle herself in. luna was in the middle of destiny and jaslene, and she was sharing a blanket with jaslene. the car began moving, and destiny rolled down her window a bit. suddenly, somebody popped up in her mind.

       carlos. this surprised her. destiny knew damn well that getting over him would take a long time. she kind of, missed him. destiny didn't want to go back with him, and she was scared her mind might trick her into doing so. for the sake of herself, destiny whipped out her phone from her pocket to text mauricio. he gave the best advice which destiny admired about him.

thinking about publishing
some new books... anyways this chapter
was good and bad but i'm gonna begin trying
my best now 😘. (idk when celia will return 😕.
she texted me and said she really liked not
having to worry about writing. if she does leave, nothing will change, it'll only be me. i promise y'all no matter
how hard it gets, i will never give up on this account.)
luvvv you guysss 🥰
-cat 🦋

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