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MAURICIO along with everybody else arrived at the airport and it was time for them to leave. Destiny and Mauricio managed to spend some time together before arriving, and kobe on the other hand felt bummed. "Well, our time here is done. We'll visit again though."

"Wait kobe, and Mauricio, I need to talk to you both."

They stood there and looked at Destiny. "I want to know what the fuck is going on with both of you. Y'all are giving each other dirty looks and shit and honestly, I'm not here for it. So tell me what's going on."

"We both like you, Destiny. But we don't know who you like." Mauricio said. "I like you, Mauricio. I love you. Kobe, I don't like you."

Both Kobe and Mauricio frowned. "You didn't even need to say that. But it's aight, I understand." Kobe went over to hug her and entered the airport. "Mauri? Why are you sad?"

"Destiny, I think we need a break. I don't like feeling like a second choice. Maybe your heart really belongs to Kobe. If that's the case then we shouldn't be a thing. Maybe I was only a distraction to help you get over Carlos."

Destiny's heart sank. She looked at him walk away into the airport and saw Kobe standing there just watching everything happen. A tear drop ran down her face as she ran to him. She hugged him and he hugged her back. "He wants to take a break." Destiny told him, "Fuck him." Kobe replied. Destiny looked up at him and then at Mauricio. Destiny reminisced about all their memories and a tear drop ran down her face. "I guess I'll stay with you."


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