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     ATTEMPTING to get another plate filled of food, josie walked up to her which gave destiny an idea. "josie, make sure nobody looks at me while i get myself another plate of this delicious food."

     "you actually like party food? tragic." josie searched the area and everybody seemed to be doing their own thing. "imagine not liking party food, now that's a disappointment." destiny grabbed a cup of soda before returning to her seat with josie. "whatever, this conversation is dead."

     "no offense, but this party is boring as fuck." destiny took a sip of soda and glanced over at the kids running around. "none taken. this party is filled with edgars and annoying kids." josie took out some gum and looked at the edgars. "the music is good though."

     "not really, destiny." josie looked at her siblings having a bad time in the corner of her eye. "i think i'm gonna text mauricio," josie gave her a confused but shocked look. "just to kill time."

     "and leave me here alone? yeah i think the fuck not."
destiny rolled her eyes and began eating. josie continued chewing her gum and giving the edgars dirty looks. "there's really no need to be giving them dirty looks you know? like they're literally doing nothing to you."

    josie groaned, "yeah but they just look so stupid." destiny sighed. she continued eating and suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. she turned around to see carlos.

     "what the fuck!" she shrieked, leaving josie startled. "ew you creep what are you doing here?" carlos gave josie a rude glance before staring at destiny. "i asked destiny's mom where she was and she gave me the address." destiny gasped before looking around for her mom.

     "mama!!!" she called out. her mom turned around and rushed over to her thinking it was an emergency. "what's wrong?" her mom looked around and eventually saw carlos. "why did you give carlos our location?"

     destiny's mother laughed in embarrassment. "i'm so sorry mija! i thought it was your boyfriend mauricio." carlos looked at destiny with a puzzled face, "boyfriend?!?" josie chewed her gum faster and sat back.

    "ma, he's not my boyfriend, and also carlos, this no longer concerns you. she pushed him away but he came closer to her anyways. "ma, if he doesn't leave in the next five minutes i'm calling the cops." josie spat out her gum and began drinking destiny's soda. "shit's getting real."

     her mother looked unenthused, "you're not calling the cops i'll just call carlos' parents and he'll be out of here in no time." she gave destiny a rub on her back which calmed her down. "thank you ma."

      her mom walked away with carlos and josie slammed her cup on the table. "well that was the only entertaining thing that has happened so far and not gonna lie, i wanted more but you can't have everything in life am i right?"
destiny stood up with her cup. "why is this empty?"

     "i drank it." destiny groaned, "it's okay." she sat back down and looked at josie. "i think you should text derek." josie's face went blank. "um, so i can be left on read again? i'll pass."

     "just give it a chance!" destiny snatched her phone from her pocket and went to derek's contact. "there." she sent a simple hi to him and josie was glaring at her. "i hate you."

currently 10:50 pm
here in los angeles, anyways
before i fall asleep
i hope you all enjoyed
this bland chapter <3

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