14. Just My Luck

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-ok ok i know this chapter is going to be insufferably cliche but hey give me a break i've had a stressful day   >:( 

also thanks for reading 

sorry for the cliche again, hopefully it isn't that bad 

also im like an hour late uploading this; sorry i got distracted watching the office - 


Over the next few days at work, Ryan made a habit of talking to Maddie about Emily's wedding loudly. It was only a matter of time before Shane finally asked about it.

"Who's wedding is this?"

"My sister's."

"And I'm not invited?" Shane asked, looking offended.

"Sorry, man. Emily doesn't really know you, you know that. Anyways, I'm bringing Mari for my plus-one. Maddie, are you bringing anyone?"

"Well, I was just gonna go without a plu-"

"Great! You can take Shane," Ryan said, looking her dead in the eye. "That way he won't be left out and you won't be lonely," He said, gritting his teeth.

"Why would I be lonely; my parents and sisters are gonna be there-" Ryan raised his eyebrows at her, winking. "Oh! I mean, yeah, sure, Shane, you can come with me," She blushed.

Shane smiled. "You sure? I don't want to impose."

"Oh, no, not at all! It'll be fun! I didn't have anyone else as a plus one anyways."

Maddie fought to keep her flustered smile concealed whilst thinking of all the time that she and Shane would be able to spend together. Maybe this would finally be the start of something.

Ryan gave Maddie a knowing smile and she just rolled her eyes at him, returning to her work.


A couple weeks later, and, finally, it was time for the wedding.

It was around 2 pm. Maddie and Shane were loading up his car for the 5 hour trip North to San Francisco.

Since the wedding destination was so far away, Emily had arranged most of the guests' hotel rooms.

After they arrived to the city, Maddie gave Shane the directions to their hotel. It was right on the beach, with an amazing view.

At the check-in desk, Maddie spoke to the receptionist. "Reservation for Dybdahl and Madej."

"Are they two separate reservations?"

She frowned, not having put much thought into that. "Yeah, it should be separate."

The receptionist squinted at the screen, popping his gum. "It looks like there's only one reservation under 'Dybdahl'"

"Madalyn Dybdahl?"


She frowned. "Are you sure there's no reservation for Madej?"

"Yeah, 'M-A-D-E-J', right?"

Maddie nodded, biting her tongue nervously.

"Sorry, hon, I can't find it."

She nodded, glancing back at Shane, who shrugged. Now that she'd come to think of it; it did make sense that Emily had only booked one room for Maddie and her plus one.

"That's okay; don't worry about it," she said, not wanting to cause the receptionist too much trouble.

They got their room key and then headed towards the elevator that would take them up to their room.

"Sorry, I thought that Emily booked us separate rooms," Maddie said, tacky elevator music playing in the background.

"It's okay; not like we've never shared a room before on unsolved trips," Shane laughed.

Maddie nodded, just hoping that there would be two beds.

The pair had a little bit of trouble finding their room, but located it eventually.

She slipped her key-card into the slot, waiting for the green light before turning the handle. She crossed her fingers, hoping to see two beds inside the room.

However, as Maddie flicked on the lights, there was only one bed.

She sighed softly, trying to push away the butterflies in her stomach from the thought of sharing a bed with the one and only Shane Madej.

They sat down next to each other. Maddie ran her fingers over the soft quilt on top of the sheets.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked.

Ugh, he was such a gentleman.

"No, no, its okay. It's not a big deal. I've shared a bed with Ryan plenty of times," Maddie said, trying her best to appear nonchalant.

Shane shrugged, nodding. "Okay. I just gotta warn you- my legs are long-"

"I've noticed," she laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "Like I was saying," he said, giving Maddie a glare, "I am above the average height, and my legs take up more space than a normal human person."

"Oh- it's fine. Really, I don't care. I usually don't take up a lot of space while sleeping so we're, like, perfect to share a bed with each other."

As soon as she said that sentence, Maddie felt her face heat up. That sounded much more flirty in real life than in her head.

Shane grinned. "Well, I would say we're perfect for each other in more ways than just that."

She laughed, somehow managing to remain cool despite her insides screaming in panic. "Yeah; I don't hate the Hot Daga."

He smiled, scratching the back of his neck. "Nobody hates the Hot Daga."

"Not even Ryan?"

"Not even Ryan."

"I'm not so sure about that," she laughed.

"He secretly loves it. Remember that video clip of him laughing at it?"

"You bring up that video clip every god-damn day."

"It was the proudest moment of my life, Mads."

She laughed, rolling her eyes at him before standing up and grabbing her suitcase.

"I'm gonna go down to the bar. You coming?" she asked, digging out a cute top and skirt.

Shane nodded, standing up and grabbing a few things out of his bag as well. "Yeah, are we gonna meet Ryan and Mari down there?"

"They said they'd be there around 8."

He nodded. "Okay, yeah, lets go down then." 


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