I wanna pay!

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Noah's POV
I woke up I decided to ask Madison on a date so I did we've been talking for 2 days now. She said she wanted to go on a date so I quickly got out bed then took a shower, and got dressed up nicely, the one rule is that I needed to have my wallet so I put it in my pocket then put some cologne on and went out my room.
Bryce:The simp woke up!
I just smiled
Kio:Were are you going?
Noah:Buy flowers!
Blake:He's going on a date!
I smiled
Josh: all right let's just admit that Madison likes Noah!
Noah:Uh maybe because I don't flirt with her 24/7...?
Bryce:Shit! He's right!
Noah:Well bye!
Bryce:have fun!😔
I got in my car and drove to the store, I got some flowers and drove to Madison's house. I got there parked, got out the car,grabbed the flowers, and went up to her door and knocked Madison opens the door
I handled her the flowers
M:aww omg! Thank you!🥺
She smelled them
M:They smell great! Come in!
Then I went inside and saw her outfit she looks so beautiful and she does have style
N:Oh um you just look beautiful today!
She blushed a little, god she looks cute when she blushes
M:You don't look bad yourself either!
I smiled
N:Thank you!
M:Let me grab my wallet
I quickly pulled her arm
Back to Madison
When I was about to grab my wallet Noah pulled my arm
N:I'm gonna pay!
I do puppy eyes
M:But I wanna pay!
N:Nope not a chance!
I try to make up an excuse to go in my room to secretly grab my wallet
M:I'm gonna grab my phone!
I quickly go to my room and try to grab my wallet then I feel someone behind me
N:Mads! Just let me pay!😂
M:No! Bc then I feel bad!🥺😂
N:It's alright let's go!
He held my hand, he opened to door for me
M:Thank you!
Then we walked outside then he opened the car door for me
I got in the car he shut the door for me he got in the car and drove
M:I'll play the music!
N:That's if you have great taste in music!
I give him the death stare
N:Okay,okay I'm sorry!
I smiled then put on the song

I laughed
M:It's my favorite
I started singing loud then Noah looked at me surprising
N:Have you ever thought about singing?
N:You have a angel voice!
I blushed
N:You look cute when you blush!
Noah smiled
Thoughts:I should blush every time
N:Were here!
I got out the car Noah puts on a pouty face
N:I was suppose to open the door!🥺
You laughed

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