The bright rays of the morning sun peeked through the tarp, shining in Ahsoka's eyes. She groaned and squinted, wishing she could sleep for just a little longer. Rex stirred next to her. He had been woken by the rising sun as well. Ahsoka finally gave up on trying to go back to sleep and her eyes fluttered open. She turned to face Rex, a small smile tugging at her mouth. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. Rex breathed in deeply then opened one eye.

"Morning Rexter" Ahsoka whispered, cupping the side of his face.

Rex leaned into her touch, holding her hand against his cheek. Ahsoka gave in, and started grinning like a child.

"Morning Soka" he muttered, wrapping his strong arms around her.

Ahsoka scooted backwards, her back pressed against his bare chest. Rex started to caress her neck, running his hand down her montrals as well. Ahsoka gave a happy little sigh, enjoying the moment with her love. She could feel his warm breath on her skin, making her shiver just the slightest. The sunlight cast a brilliant glow on the tent, making it look magical. Ahsoka closed her eyes once more, taking in the perfect moment. It was peaceful, not a sound could be heard. With the exception of Rex's breathing. She felt as his chest rose and fell against her back. It calmed her in a way.

Suddenly the bustling in the refuge started up for the day. Ahsoka groaned, knowing the moment was ruined. She shifted her weight, signaling it was time to get up. Rex stretched and let out a questionable sound before sitting up. Ahsoka did the same and scrubbed at her tired eyes. Rex looked at her and gave a cheery smile.

Without a word the two began to pack their belongings, anxious to get off Onderon and away from Lux. Rex spotted his armor in the corner and began to put it on. He kept his helmet off though, pressing it to his side. He put his belongings in a bag and slung it over his shoulder. He was ready to go. Ahsoka really didn't have to retrieve that many belongings, as she didn't bring that much stuff to begin with. Most of her stuff had been destroyed in the crash. The one thing that was too precious to let go to waste was the blaster Rex had given her. She kept that in her pocket at all times.

Rex led her back to the ship and her mouth fell open. It was way bigger than she had anticipated. Rex saw her reaction, smirking in amusement.

"Will this do?" he asked.

Ahsoka gave a light laugh, "Yes. This will do just fine"

"Are you ready to go?" Rex questioned.

If it was up to him, they would have left a long time ago.

Ahsoka nodded, "But first, there's something I have to do"

She spun on the balls of her feet and started walking back towards the refuge. Rex raised an uncertain eyebrow, but shrugged and ended up following the togruta. She finally arrived at the medical tent which made Rex even more confused. She stomped in, throwing the tarp to the side. To the left lie a very injured Lux. Perfect. She walked over to the boy and stopped, waiting until he noticed she was there. A smug look was plastered on his face, making Ahsoka's skin crawl.

"Hello Ahsoka" he purred, "Have you came back for-"

But before he could finish Ahsoka raised her fist and landed a deadly punch to his face. A sickening crack filled the tent, making Rex flinch. Lux howled in pain, clutching his nose and thrashing on the cot.

"Never come near me or Rex ever again" Ahsoka growled, her voice dangerously soft.

Lux looked petrified and let out a strangled breath. Ahsoka gave a smirk of satisfaction and turned back to Rex. Rex's jaw was on the ground. He would have never thought that Ahsoka would do something like that. It was terrifying yet bad-ass at the same time. Ahsoka laughed and waved a hand in front of his face.

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