Chapter One: Rethinking

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"I don't want to do this Anymore." I said as I sat up in bed and covered my face with my hands. "Nicey it's fine, she doesn't know so everything is between us." Cameron said as he sat up and held me. "you know this isn't right! I'm sleeping with you in your wife's bed." I said looking around the dark room. "what's the problem Nicey? You never acted like this before." He asked as he touched my shoulder. "You're right, I love you but I think I need to go." I said as I got out the king sized bed with silk sheets and picked up my clothes. "I love you too baby and I promise as soon as she has our babies imma leave her." he said. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say. I had been dealing with Cameron since I was 19 and now I'm 24. at first I didn't know he was a 25 year old married man with a pregnant wife. He always had a hold on me so I stayed with him anyways I didn't know why at first but then I realized he was good sex only a phone call away and even deeper than that, I fell in love. She had Their first child who they had named Amira and when she was born he promised me he would leave but he didn't and this was now his second child and here he was telling me the same stuff, selling me a dream. I don't know why it was so hard to leave him but also it was so hard to stay. I just sighed and fixed my shirt as I walked out of the beautiful home. I went home and took a long hot shower just thinking about everything that was going on in my life. My mother had warned me about men and being someone's side piece, and here I was being a side piece. I never thought in a million years that I would be this type of girl, but I can't help who I love. he's so gentle with me. he's a beautiful brown skin man with a muscular body and dimples. he made me feel good and he looked good. I turned off the shower and got into bed as I stared at my smooth ceiling. I mean what was a girl like me.. rich, successful, and pretty doing sleeping with a married man when there were millions of men out there. I just felt like none of them would ever measure up to be a cameron.

I got up around 6:00am and took care of my hygiene. I put on some Jean shorts, black sandals, and a black v neck shirt. I put my hair into a top knot and put on my big gold hoop earrings and bracelets. I sprayed my favorite fragrance, through on some dark purple lipstick that made my golden brown skin pop, grabbed my MK bag, and headed down my spiral staircase. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a vanilla Starbucks frappé out of the package in the fridge and headed to my garage. I had a photo shoot scheduled for today and there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity. I hopped in my black Audi with a navy blue interior, set my MK bag in the passenger seat, put my key in the ignition, and drove away from my big beautiful home. I found myself going into deep thought about how I was about to be twenty five next month and yet I had no husband or kids. By now every woman in my family was either married with kids or in a relationship and pregnant and here I was living in a big beautiful home with no one to share it with. i never knew that I felt this incomplete.

I decided to pick up my dramatic but fabulous friend dontayvious because he always lightened me up when I was down and ALWAYS kept it real with me. i pulled in front of his amazing home and parked in the driveway filled with about five nice cars and put my car into park. "I'm here." I said into the phone before I clicked the line. he came out in his knee high black boots, black jeans, red and black flannel, and black Gucci bag. he had long dreads that were freshly twisted and the side was shaved. he did his strut over to my car and hopped in the passenger seat. "Hey girl!" He said as he closed the door and I put my car into drive. "hey boo!" I said kissing him on the cheek lightly. "I see someone's happy." I said pulling out of the driveway and onto the road. "girl yes! That twenty second birthday you through me was bomb. I still have bitches talking and niggas calling!" He said snapping his fingers and laughing. I admired how out going and funny he was. "how's work going?" I said keeping my eyes on the road. "Girl you know.. I been still doing my clothing and make up line and I'm still doing a lot of hosting around Atlanta and now I'm teaching a twerking class. a bitch is wearing herself thin pretty much. you know that little white girl that I told you about that joined the class?" He said already giggling. "yeah the one with no Rhythm?" I said giggling a little myself. "well she had the nerve to come back and try again! Lord bless her little heart! She be trying it just ain't right. She hurt one of my regulars that came to twerk the other day. we got to the part where we were twerking on a headstand and mind you this is an advanced class so I don't know why she decided to spend her money on it, so anyways she tries to do a headstand and come crashing down on Toya's hand! Toya could've killed that girl! Lord bless her!" He said being extra dramatic. now I see why he named his make up line 'queen' because he was a major one. "But enough about me and my horror stories what's going on with you? Spill the tea right fucking now Hunny!" He screeched. "Ok..ok but don't ever do that again!" I laughed. I wanted to tell him all about my situation with Cameron but i just couldn't. Even though he was one of my best friends it was just something I wasn't ready to do. "nothing really.. I just been modeling.." I said playing my feelings down. "are you lying to me?! I've known you for ten years and whenever you talk like that, you're hiding something!" He said frowning. a moment went by and he gasped super loud. "are you dating someone?! Are you pregnant?!" He asked being extra dramatic. "No neither of those." I laughed. "then what is it? How many times do I have to say what's the tea?" He asked staring at me as I kept my eyes on the road. "nothing! I'm just thinking about finding someone and settling down." I said as my smile and playful mood slowly vanished. "girl how many times do I have to tell you that you have every man out here chasing after you! You just have to find the one for you! You know you're beautiful and there's nothing wrong with you, you are beautiful and any man could see that!" He said boosting my confidence up higher than it already was. "thanks and I know that." I said as we pulled up to the place I would be shooting at. Tay was right but the only man I wanted right now was Cameron and it didn't seem like he would ever leave his relationship for me. Am I being selfish? I thought to my self. as far as I was concerned Cameron was being the selfish one. i got out of the car and went straight to hair and wardrobe. By now I had changed about several times and took over fifty pictures. I was opening up a clothing line along with a makeup line but I didn't want the makeup line to be out until the winter so I opted to do my clothing line first. I went to the back to take off all of my make up but I didn't bother taking out the extensions they had put in because I would just let Tay do it later and then I dressed myself back into my regular clothes and then I got a text from cameron.

Cameron🔐😻💦: where you at?

Me: I'm at a photo shoot. What's up?

Cameron🔐😻💦: come over?

Me: why? All you want is some ass.😒

Cameron🔐😻💦: no I don't.😑 I wanna cuddle with you.

I'll see you later. Bye.

Cameron🔐😻💦: Bye❤️

I hopped into my car with Tay and drove him home. I pulled up in my driveway and parked my car. I opened my front doors, locked it behind me, and went straight to my room. I took a long cold shower because the Atlanta heat was getting to me. I had always been a Chicago girl. I roller set my hair and extensions and then blow dried it. when I finished drying it I left the rollers in and took care of other stuff. I put on my pink and somewhat glittery lipstick and waxed my eyebrows. I had already went to a shop and got the little on my bikini area waxed so now all I had to do was shave my legs extra smooth. when I was done with that I sprayed my favorite fragrance, put in my stud earrings, and stared at my freshly painted acrylic nails. I looked up in the mirror and let down my silk robe. I admired my curvy but toned physique. I wasn't the thickest but I damn sure wasn't the skinniest. I threw on a black laced thong and bra set and then I put on grey leggings, a black tank top, and black strappy sandals. i looked back up in the mirror and noticed the rollers were still in my hair so I took them out and watched as long loose bouncy curls fell down and framed my face. I knew Cameron said we were just cuddling but I knew that wouldn't be all so I dressed for cuddling on the outside and sex on the inside. I grabbed my purse and keys, got back into my car, and went straight to his house.

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