Chapter 12: Three Beasts Finale

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This means author note

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"Anything inside this is characters speaking"

(Y/n) P.O.V

Going into a fighting stance Liver smirked Black Veins coming from his neck from the point of where he stabbed the injection in. "Bro wait a sec, somethings not righ about this guy..." Tatsumi said on the sidelines still holding his side where he got hit earlier with the blades.  With Bulat not having his Incursio Armor anymore but only his Green plated armor with a writing on the shoulder part of the armor, something in Japansese. "Yeah, i'm painfully aware he's not gonna be an easy one to beat." Bulat had stated pressing a button on the shoulder of his armor where the symbol/mark is upon pressing it the back of his armor sent a sword flying out wish sort of boomeranged into his hand, this i i believe is.what is used to summon Incursio.

"Here we go!" Bulat said dashing forward toward Liver, as said man dashed towards him aswell. Both seemingly still strong enough to move quite quickly for the amount of injuries they already have. At the middle they're blades clashed making a metal ringing noise sound throughout the boat a wave of air being pushed back in a circle between the two fighters. As they started slashing at one another countering and blocking eachothers attacks neither one landing hits, as this fight was happening each swing from them caused wind to burst out from all sides, they're attacks going at fast speeds that would be hard to spot for the untrained eye. i went over to Tatsumi my eyes slightly flickering green as i sent a burst of healing at him healing his wounds slightly.

With him barely being able to keep himself on the ground as i just looked at the two fighting, it would be rude to intervene now wouldn't it, it's a fight between the Master and the Apprentice, a fight to decide wether who is stronger between them, it would be rude and dishonorable to intervene in such a fight. "That's's hard to believe these two are already injured..." Said Tatsumi as i nodded. "They are both powerful swordsmen and warriors in they're own right." I told him which he nodded to, "Bro really is amazing." He said looking as Bulat pushes Liver Back with Liver rushing toward Bulat with them locking into a test of might neither one back done, they're blades interlocking with one another Bulat Gritting his teeth some blood still running down the side of his head from the earlier bout when they were using the Imperial Arms.

Bulat letting out a war cry, being the one underneath Liver he pushed him back. Breaking Liver's sword with his own and cuting Liver the sword flying out of Liver's hands his sword lands on the ground out of arms reach.  "You got him!" Tatsumi said as i looked at Liver and sighed  thinking it was over, how childish i was, Tatsumi seemed excited but in a split second that had changed as Liver got slahed in the chest with Bulat's sword he coughed up blood, floating as he then smirked at Bulat an insane, almost serial killer like smirk "My real Trump card, Killer Bloodsword!" He yelled crossing his arm, the particles of blood being elongated from they're original points to head straight toward Bulat.

Bulat's eyes widening as he started slashing his sword to block the swords of blood trying to pierce his skin, for the first half it seemed as so he had it under control deflecting the blood attacks with his weapon "Of course you have something up your sleeve!" He said blocking/deflecting the blood attacks. "Keep after him!" Tatsumi yelled holding his side still in a bit of pain, continuing to block the bloodswords before some started to hit him, perhaps not in his vitals but they did clearly pass through his armor. His sword stabbing into the ground for him to use it as a stand.

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