Chapter 6:Am...I still human?...

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This is P.O.V changes and location changes

This means thought's

This means author note

This is normal text

"Anything inside this is characters speaking"


(Y/n) P.O.V

I was standing infront of a table covered by a large map of the terrain, i stood multiple Generals of my country.

For some reason father asked me to come here and help the other's though...i don't have much experience when it came to battles, all of that...will soon change.

As we were going over the plan a soldier came running into the tent we were in, he was panting and he seemed shaken up.


The soldier said incoherently he was panting between words making them incoherent.

After a few seconds our medical team had come in and helped the soldier i looked at the other generals and nodded at them.

(Y/n):They're here already, we need to move now. Or else...i fear we won't survive.

I told them as i ran out the tent Running toward my horse it was a black horse that was equipped with some armor around it's body and head.

I ran up to the horse and quickly mounted it i rode it toward one of our sorrounding camps as i saw the enemy army infront of me, multiple soldiers probably ranging to fifty thousand men infront of me.

I saw a few hundred of them raiding our camp as i gripped the hilt of my sword, i looked at the other soldiers around me around forty thousand soldiers behind me along with two generals leading them i nodded toward the generals as we charged at the enemy.

We cut them down but still...there were ten thousand more of them than us, as i was fighting them the blood sorrounding us...this fighting...The reminded me of that night..

The night my sister died..and the night..where everything began...My eyes glew red as i pointed my sword to the skies, the runes on the blade glew red and emitted a powerful aura.

Sorrounding it was black and blue mist as it sorrounded my body, armor started appearing like the first time...but this was a different kind of armor...something that would make me question if i was stil human.

As the black and blue mist sorrounded me as the mist slowly faded i was wearing a pitch black armor with Blue shoulder guards and a blue gem like thing in the center, wings protruded from my back, they seemed metalic so i thought i couldn't use them at first.

As the black and blue mist sorrounded me as the mist slowly faded i was wearing a pitch black armor with Blue shoulder guards and a blue gem like thing in the center, wings protruded from my back, they seemed metalic so i thought i couldn't use th...

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My sword had also changed, it had changed into giant one handed sword it's hilt being very thiccc (With three god damn C's) with a purple bluish gem  in the center, it was a black sword that had a slight purple glint to it aswell.

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