Secret's out (part 2)...

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Brooke's POV
I shot my bullet which literally went through her left earring...

Emily's POV
I saw Brooke unnie come through the door of my room while pointing her gun towards me I was scared very very scared but somewhere in me I knew that my unnie won't do this to me and I heard a loud gun shot I opened my eyes and saw my unnie looking at me while heavily breathing and I saw behind me the was a hole because of the bullet in my wall and realised what had happened...

Back to your (a.k.a. Brooke's) POV
I warned her again that I won't miss the next time remember that I saw tears threatening to fall from both of our eyes and I left cuz I don't want her to see me weak...
I was drunk and reached to my house I was devastated by my own actions I tried to kill my own sister as I was going back to the house someone hold my hand...

We just finished the movie we were really confused and concerned about Brooke because she went somewhere alone also at this hour as we were going we saw Brooke coming our way but she didn't see us and then some men got hold of her hand and said "Hey beautiful u drinking alone want a company" and smirked. We noticed a bottle of wine in her hand and she said them to leave her alone we decided to go and help her but what we saw next was shocking...

Brooke's POV
I was angry so much that I didn't realise that I killed those men with my knives I ignored that and went to my house and left the door open...

Author's POV
She went to her mom huge portrait and started talking to her mom's picture the door was open so the boys were right there by the door listening to her...
"Mom, what did I even do to deserve this why is this world so cruel even Emily I trusted her with my whole heart and now she was into this too! Why did u even leave me like this with dad, huh?! I trusted u didn't I?! Why did u do this!?" She said crying and sobbing hard. "She is so broken from inside" Suga said. "Ik" everyone said except for Jk...

She banged herself on the floor and throw the bottle and one of the piece of glass made a cut on her thigh it no-one noticed that cut tho "U know what mom! I LOVE JUNGKOOK! JEON JUNGOOK!!! But I have to stay away for him do u know I lied to him I said I my dad was a business man and I am his only daughter. But how should I tell him that I am a FREAKING MAFIA!" She said and started crying again "And tomorrow is the worst day for the year My Birthday! Ugh! Why does this day even has to come and ruin everything! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She shouted crying.

"Yah she likes u too kook" tae said now jk wasn't able to stop smiling but again he looked up at u and his smile faded away seeing u in such a way it made his heart ache very badly then he noticed the cut on ur thigh and without wasting a second he ran up to u and picked u up in bridal style and u were thinking whether did he heard anything about what u said while he was dressing ur wound after he was done he looked up into ur eyes and asked what happened why were u crying...

I asked her what happened and why was she crying tho I knew why...she said that her dad had a huge business loss.....
*Jk's mind* why are u lying Brooke u can trust me just tell me the truth...........u lied again Brooke...

Brooke's POV
*In mind* I am sorry kook I have to lie to u....

Back to JK's POV
Nevermind Brooke I will may ur day special tomorrow..."Brooke tomorrow we are throwing a party but just the boys so do u mind coming?" "Sure" she said....

Find out what will happen next...

Sup loves what's poppin'??
So as i promised I posted two parts today so I will post the next part maybe day after or something idk I will tell y'all later so yeah see you all later...

I LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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