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♡⊱ ────── {

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"Oi Katsu! Hurry up already you ass!" the blonde shouted at her older twin brother. "Yeah yeah dipshit let's go" he replied as the both of them left their house heading to the famous school, UA high. After a few minutes of walking and taking the train, the Bakugou twins finally arrived at their destination.

"Finally we arrived" she chirped happily. She was being so distracted by the big UA building that she didn't notice the person infront of her. She ended up bumping into them and falling while letting out a small 'oof'.

"Are you alright?" (Y/N) looked at the person she had bumped into. The person was a boy about her age with red hair and bright red eyes. He was smiling as he showed his shark like teeth. In all honesty he was adorable! You should probably befriend him you though. "Oi bitch! The hell are you doing?!" You looked behind you to see your oh so beloved brother, Katsuki Bakugou. "Oh, Katsuki. I bumped into him" you explained as Katsuki glared at the said guy.

Katsuki wasn't a very protective brother, at least that's what you thought anyways. He allowed you to be with other boys, that doesn't mean he likes it though. If he were to be completely honest he didn't like the fact of boys flirting or liking you. He felt as it was unnecessary that 'extras' were too close to his little twin sister. Even if he was only older by two minutes, he still felt like you were his responsibility and that he was still your older brother anyway. Your little interaction with this random guy just wasn't his cup of tea. 

"Hey there! I'm Kirishima Eijiro! Nice to meet you!" the redheaded guy said. "Tch this is a waste of time let's just go already (Y/N)!" Bakugou grumbled as he walked towards the entrance. "Yeah yeah whatever you ass!" You said as followed your brother. You spared a glance at the guy earlier. He looks confused, yet he's still smiling with that sharky teeth of his. Well that was certainly an odd guy.. you though as you enter the exam building alongside Katsuki.

[ Timeskip to the actual exam ]
Finally it was time for you to shine. Sadly, you and Katsuki were separated. He was in another battle zone. 'Guess the school really didn't want people working together huh? Oh well, this'll be easy either way' You thought as you unconsciouslly smirked. Unknown to you, a certain red head was looking at you. 'cute' he thought.

Finally you entered the battle zone. There were a few two and three pointers so you immediately touched them. Right after touching them they exploded to bits. You grinned, satisfied. After that you ran to get other robots. 'Tch, they really think this was a challenge?! Hah! This is so fucking easy!' you though to yourself. You found more two pointers and immediately touch them making them explode.

After a while of destroying robots, something caught your eye. It was a giant robot that you remembered was a zero pointer. They had one in every arena. You saw a bunch of people running away from the robot. 'Tch what a bunch of fucking cowards!' you thought to yourself as you ran towards the robot. "Oi! Over here you bolts for brains!" You screamed at it as you touched it. Almost immediately it explodes to small bits. Your grin turn wider, it did take a lot of energy since the robot was big and it needed a big explosion therefore it needed a lot of energy. You were exhausted but it was worth it.

"Time's up!!" You heard someone known as 'Present Mic' shout. You smirked and walked towards the exit. As you walked you came across an old lady known as 'Recovery Girl' who was handing out candies that were supposed to heal you? You didn't know. But still you took the candy she gave you. You also came across a bunch of stares and whispers.

"Omg! That's the girl who destroyed the zero pointer!"
"Woah she looks so badass!"
"She's cool!!"

Honestly it was annoying. Well it flattered you, but alas it was kinda annoying since you thought of them as weak cowards or as Katsuki likes to say it extras. You walked calmly towards the exit. You found Katsuki and the both of you headed home.

"So, how much robots you got?"

"Tch, a bunch of em! They're weak as fuck!"

"Psh I destroyed the zero pointer, and a bunch of kids were running away. What a bunch of fucking cowards."

"Yeah they're extras. Weak and useless."

You laughed at his response. He always calls other people (beside you of course) extras. You agree with him to be honest. Some people were merely weak cowards. But some deserve to be respected.

"Tch I bet stupid Deku failed the damn test"

Oh yeah you did see your childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya. Or as Katsuki calls him, Deku.

"Oh shut up Katsu! Leave the poor guy alone. You bullied him enough already."

Personally you didn't like the idea of Katsuki bullying Izuku. You felt pity for Izuku, he was your childhood friend. He's super sweet and kind, you never understand why Katsuki dislike him. You were against it to say the least. But he wouldn't stop.

"Tch whatever"

After what felt like a long time, you finally arrived at your house. You were greeted by your parents asking how it went. You just shrugged as you told them what had happened. Afterwards you ate dinner with your family and went upstairs to sleep. You couldn't wait for the UA letter to come. You though about it all night as you fell asleep.

☆゚.*・。゚♡ ☆゚.*・。゚

"Oi lazyass! Wake up already!" You hear the scream of Katsuki trying to wake you up. "Oh shut up Katsu! Five more minutes!" You screamed desperately. "Bitch it's eleven already! Wake the fuck up! Your UA letter arrived already!" And as you her the words 'UA letter' you immediately got up and looked at him dead in the eye. "It did?" You asked seriously. "Yeah you rat. It arrived this morning." Katsuki said clearly annoyed as he threw a little envelope towards you. You caught it just before it fell and looked at it for a few moments. "Thanks Katsu!~" you said smiling. "Yeah whatever ratass" he said as he left your room.

You sat on your bed playing with the envelope for a few moments until you finally opened it. You were nervous to say the least. As you opened it, there was a little machine with a button. You looked at it clearly confused. After inspecting it, you pressed the button. Suddenly a projection of All Might appears. "HELLO YOUNG (Y/N)! I HAVE APPEARED AS A PROJECTION TO TELL YOU THAT YOU PASSED THE ENTRANCE EXAM WITH FLYING COLORS! WITH A TOTAL OF 193 POINTS YOU MANAGED TO PLACE SECOND RIGHT BEHIND WHOM I ASSUME IS YOUR BROTHER? KATSUKI BAKUGOU! I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET YOU YOUNG (Y/N)! THIS IS YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!" You sat there. Processing what just happened. Suddenly you burst out crying tears of joy. You had finally achieve your goal of going to UA. You were beyond happy. You ran out of bed and out of your room towards the kitchen, and told your parents and your beloved brother about the news. They were happy whilst Katsuki was just flexing about how he got first place. Nonetheless you were happy.

A/N : first part lol! Oh and if you don't understand, your quirk is called Explosion touch.Able to explode anything you touche, though you can control the gas in the explosion itself. (example if you make a laughing explosion the victim will laugh afterwards) Oh! And you have brown hair like Masaru has. Your eye colour is  crimson red like Bakugou himself. Oh and sorry you sound a little rude here, I just think it's logical that way cause you do live with Bakugou and y'all are practically always together so he's bound to rub on you somehow. That's all for my author's note, bye y'all!

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