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Manga Spoilers

------ Fly with me to the moon, please? • -------

"Waah, look at that!"

"The moon is at it's closest point yet!"

The clock ticks through the witching hours. Bright, colorful lights summoned from buildings of all widths and lengths cover the city in a gleaming blanket from the dead of night. An endless canvas of ink perfectly mixed with hues of midnight purples and blues. Tiny white lights are splattered all over, together with clouds in all sorts of shapes and sizes, they create a beautiful painting of the night sky.
Underneath are vehicles speeding to its own destinations, some of which occasionally create shrill noises, mixed well together with the chattering of citizens, comes the cause of why you could hardly hear yourself to think. On top of it all, is the big milky moon, its celestial beauty blessing the world with the ray of moonlight. How heavenly, indeed.

"You know, earlier..."

"Tsuchigomori-sensei told me that"

"When humanity first landed on the moon,"

"Everyone started to think that everything impossible-"

"Could still be achieved."

Mops of hair flow along the path of the wind, one possessing the black hole's color, the other of the milky way, with green hues complementing the tips. Their small frames dressed in white and black. It was like the human adaption of the sun and moon, both who are communicating with each other. Hanako, the boy in all black uniform, perfectly takes the representation of the moon's dim light, especially with his translucent form. Nevertheless, the amber eyes he possess shine bright as the sun, with its own galaxy you could get lost in. Yashiro, the girl in her creamy white uniform dress, perfects her own representation of the sun, together with her smile that could light up every dark nook and cranny.

"How about we just go together, to the moon!" She stated.

"I want to keep on living, in the real world!"

"Next year..."

"The year after..."

"For the next ninety years!"

    By then, the girl had already shifted her gaze from the moon, which they had the front row seat to view, with her facing front to Hanako, where her hands find their way to his own, clasping them so tenderly.
Her knees meet the clouds they stand on, lowering herself similarly to Hanako, who was already kneeling on his place. He couldn't help but stare in shock and curiosity. As his assistant lowers her head, while bringing their intertwined hands closer to her in a praying manner. If it were a movie, the situation they're in would be a beautiful and touching scene. With the recording cameras focusing on them, the audience would want to take pictures and treasure it as one of the many memorable moments in a movie.

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