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-----------I had a dream----------

"Let's go back....Yashiro. "

Another pair of hands grasps both of ours.

Both Yashiro and Hanako's heads snapped to the one who had joined them. Their pairs of eyes widening, the latter's trembling lightly, along with his unoccupied hand. With teeth gritted, Hanako pulled Yashiro, keeping her behind him as he raised a protective arm in front. The figure that seemed to join them grinned,  chuckling lowly, then reaching out a hand to Hanako.  In response, the 7th Wonder smacked it away, as Yashiro took a few steps back,  her own frame trembling.

"What're you doing here....?! "
Hanako said,  his voice raising in alarm.

"You should know why-! "

"...Amane. "

Tsukasa grinned widely, tearing Yashiro out of his older brother's grasp, as he spun her around similar to a certain dance. Hanako had reached out his hand to grab the girl back, but she was out of his range. His translucent hand reached into his pocket, hesitantly pulling out a knife. The girl couldn't help but feel scared, and she had put no effort in covering up her facial expression. A pair of sharp amber eyes stared onto identical ones.

"Her wish called me from the heart, and I am here to grant it. "

" "I wish to turn back time." "

"It's kind of vague, but maybe you can help bring out her true wish, Amane!!"
Tsukasa happily explained, while waving the girl's hands around similar to a puppet on a string.

"After all.... "

"You failed to grant her 'wish' to you, didn't you? "

The sound of metal hitting the cold dark floor echoed in the area. Beads of sweat trailed down to Hanako's face, as he couldn't deny that what his twin said was a fact. He had failed. He was so confident about granting it. Of all the wishes he could've failed to grant, why Yashiro's?
All these thoughts rang in his head, his knees trembling and later on finally making contact with the floor.
Harshly grabbing a handful of the girl's hair, Yashiro had let out a yelp while Tsukasa made his way to crouch down to his brother's level, pulling her along.
With his free hand, he gave light pats on Hanako's head.

"There, there... That's the face I love.. "

"Don't worry, Amane! If I grant her wish, you could get another chance to grant her other one again!  Isn't that a win'win for both of us? "

"Besides... You're wishing for the same thing,"

"Am I wrong? "

No. He was right. Absolutely right. Hanako wouldn't dare to admit it out loud,  but he knew his brother knows the answer to it anyways. He would wish over and over again to be given another chance to make Yashiro happy. But he can't. He can't make a wish to his brother. He shouldn't. He is the 7th Wonder and leader,  after all. You could say Hanako was not vulnerable, but was also desperate deep down. Though, he knew how to keep that feeling caged in.

As much as he wanted to start over and succeed in his role as 'The Bathroom Ghost' and as Yashiro's friend, he had no other option at this point. Not while his brother was here, drilling all sorts of words and thoughts in both of their heads.
Hanako shakily stood up from his knees, head tilted downward with tears threatening he spill. With the help of his hakujoudais, he was able to take back Yashiro from his younger twin, quickly pushing her into the light. The light that kept on growing, eating up the darkness they were in.

"I'm sorry, Yashiro..."
He had muttered near her ear before she was out of his grasps.

He didn't want to, but he knew he had to accept it now. There was no way he could change Yashiro's future at this point. If Tsukasa did not appear, maybe he would be able to.
Speaking of the younger twin, he only stood behind them,  watching the scene unfold with a bewildered, yet also amused expression on his face.
At some point he ended up thinking, 'Is Amane-stupid or what?'
But his train of thoughts came to an end when his brother pulled him by his sleeve, walking farther away from the light with his head still tilted down. He didn't complain though. Instead, he wrapped his own arm around one of Amane's, the other patting his head in a comforting manner.
Soon, both of them had fluttered their eyes open, finding theirselves in their own boundary.

Hanako sat by the window, his head buried between his knees. After they had escaped No. 4's painting, Yashiro had gotten into a car crash on her way home.
He wouldn't have found out if it weren't for the middle school boy.
By then, his assistant had fallen into a deep coma.
Long enough to take up all of her remaining time in life.
To put it simply, he-and somehow Tsukasa-had found a way to the girl's mind when death was nearing her, hoping to be able to change it.

But sometimes, you just have to let it go, even if you want to keep holding on to it. Some things that we want to happen, just can't come to life as it isn't meant to be.
So go forward, live on to the best of your abilities. Time is precious, and many people aren't offered enough of it,  just like Yashiro.
Keep fighting for ninety years or more.
Be a stunning college student, plant the vegetables you like, or wear the wedding outfit you desire.
Do the impossible, the only limit is your mind. Give yourself the life you want and deserve, for no wish can grant it in a blink of an eye.
Time does not really run out, until the Lycoris blooms.

"Farewell... Yashiro. "


Spider lilies/Lycoris flower
Holds the symbol of death.

"When the Lycoris blooms."
It is a self-made phrase, that is aimed to hold a visualization of the arrival of one's death.

I actually had three endings for this-
But I decided to be a piece of 💩 and chose the current one-

I might publish the other two as well tho- because why not-


2020.07.27 12:00PM

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