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Our story continues with the four girls standing the Village, talking. Well, Hat Kid and Mustache Girl are chatting. Tempest is occasinally scribbling something on her notepad, and smiling a lot. It's clear she vastly prefers Subcon to her home.

Y/N, on the other hand, is quiet and fidgety. Eventually she sighs and says "I'm pretty tired, guys. I'm going to bed." She smiles weakly and starts to head to her ship.

As she walks away, she sighs again.

"What's up with me today?"


Y/N yawns, fumbling for the keys to her ship. She smiles a little as she unlocks the door, thinking about her warm bed.

"Y/N! Darling, it's been two months, how are you?" Y/N immediately recognizes the voice and groans softly.

Oh no...

She whips around to see the very reason she left her home planet.

"....hi, Mom."

Her family.
Well, not her whole family - her older brother, Tom, isn't there - but her twin sister, Robyn, and her parents.
(Quick note: Robyn isn't your identical twin, since I have drawn her, and Y/N is supposed to be you/your OC. So you're unidentical twins)

"Oh, what happened to your ship? Didn't you leave with a different one?" her dad chimes in.

"Uh. Yeah. I crashed here."

"What a shame. Still, it was getting rather old."

Y/N smiles tightly, knowing full well that her original ship was only two years old on the day of the crash. "I- I've got to go...." Her mind races to think of an excuse. "I- uh. I need...to get a new contract."
This isn't entirely a lie, as she sometimes does the occasional contract, but Snatcher would rather give them to Hat Kid or his latest contractor.

"What kind of contract? Did you finally get a job?" Robyn comments snidley.

"I suppose you could put it like that." Y/N replies uneasily, desperately looking for a way out of the conversation.

"Oh, how wonderful! I keep telling Robyn she needs to get a job, but she hasn't found one yet. Perhaps you could work together!" her mother suggests excitedly.

Y/N grits her teeth. There is nothing she wants less (aside from Vanessa somehow coming back to life again) than for Robyn to begin doing contracts too. Her parents will insist on staying in the forest, and they would inevitably find out about her and Snatcher's relationship. Y/N knows they would absolutely not take kindly to her dating a sixteen foot tall ghost, no matter whether he was a prince when he was alive or not.

"I really ought to be going. It was nice seeing you all." Y/N says, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Oh, where are you going?" her mother inquires in a mellow voice, but Y/N detects a familiar trace of irritation.

"Like I said, I need to get a new contract. My boss doesn't like....lateness." This is mostly untrue, as Snatcher's only properly enforced rule is do the damn contracts (and try not to die in the process), and only a few have a time limit, but Y/N just wants to get away.

"Well, at least take Robyn with you, she could do with a job."

Robyn scowls.

"I don't get paid money, by the way, in case that's what you're going for. I work for him, and he lets me live here. It's dangerous, too." This was only a half lie - she isn't paid, but she also doesn't work for Snatcher any more, per say.

"If it's sooooo dangerous, why do you still work here? Aren't there other jobs on this planet?" Robyn asks.

"Well, there's the small matter of the fact that he has a habit of eating souls, and not to mention my soul in a bottle." Y/N lies. As expected, her family is shocked. Y/N seizes the oppurtunity to escape and says "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a soul to earn back." She quickly leaves the ship, smiling.


Y/N leans on the doorframe of the hollowed-out tree.

"So. My family is here. In the forest." she says tiredly.

"I am assuming that's bad." Snatcher comments, putting his book down.

"Very bad. They hate all things supernatural. Like, everything. They probably think it's bad enough that I live in the same forest as a soul-stealing ghost, so you can probably guess how they would react if they found out I was dating said ghost."

"So how do we handle this?" he asks.

"We'll have to convince them to leave, probably. My mom is hell-bent on my sister getting a job here, so if we can persuade them it's far too dangerous, they'll leave. Hopefully."

"Oooh, I get to scare them? I'm down."

"....But the issue arises that they cannot find out about us. If they did, they would immediately drag me back to their planet, with or without a soul, and make me marry some random douchebag."

"Your family sucks. No offense."

Y/N laughs. "Trust me, I know."

Silence fell over the couple.

"I wish we didn't have to do this." Y/N eventually says, going over to the ghost's armchair and pulling herself up onto the armrest.

"I'm sure we'll survive," Snatcher reassures her, gently stroking her hair. "Besides, I'm good at scaring people into doing what I want. It's basically my job."

Y/N giggles softly. "I bet we can pull this off."

Snatcher nods. "Who knows, it might even be fun?"


ya'll i swear to god i am so sorry for not updating this its been nearly a year im so sorry

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