six !

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chapter six

kida let out a sigh of relief as a deputy pulled derek out of his house, the older man sending a harsh glare towards the three teens watching him intently. scott and kida began shaking their heads in a panic, waving their arms in front of their bodies to try and stop stiles going through with whatever dumb idea he had come up with this time. she patted scott's shoulder gently, rushing over to where stiles was sitting in the front seat of the cop car, and sitting in the driver's seat. "okay, just so you know...i'm not afraid of you." kida scoffed in disbelief at the boy beside her, an amused smile threatening to creep onto her lips.

"liar liar telephone wire." stiles ignored the older man's presence for a minute, turning to look at his best friend with a disgusted look on his face. "it's liar liar, pants on fire. who the hell taught you the other one?" she pointed an accusing finger at their werewolf counterpart, stiles simply nodding his head and turning back to the older man in the backseat, who was watching the interaction with disgust. "why are you so worried about me, when it's your friend who's the problem?" kida lifted a hand to her mouth, beginning to nibble on the ends of her fingers like she usually did when she was nervous, leading stiles to slap her hand away from her mouth.

"i can't stop him from playing, but you can. and trust want to." as derek finished his sentence, the two front doors of the cop car were pulled open, and the two teens were dragged from the car with a small scream. "hands off the merchandise, deputy. precious cargo." she swatted the cop's hands off of her, moving to stand beside stiles who was being scolded by the sheriff. "do you want to help me understand how exactly you three came across this?" kida stepped forward slightly to speak to the sheriff, the man practically towering above her short physique. "i was asleep in the backseat, i think your son kidnapped me."

she gave the sheriff her sweetest smile, the man smiling back before turning to his son with a glare in his eyes. "we were looking for scott's inhaler." stiles relayed, his hand subconsciously moving to latch onto kida's for comfort. "which he dropped when?" the sheriff knew what he was doing, and he certainly knew when stiles was lying. "the other night." kida jumped into the conversation now, the sheriff wondering how long it would take for them to realise they were as dumb as each other. "the other night when you were out here looking for the first half of the body?"

the two friends both gave him an exasperated yes, growing tired of his dumb questions. "the night you told me it was just you two making out in the woods alone, and that scott was at home." stiles let out another annoyed yes, before quickly changing his answer and panicking. the boy silently cursed his father for exposing his lie in front of his best friend, but nonetheless attempted to keep his cool. "you told your dad we were making out in the woods?" kida's hand tightened around stiles' as she felt her heart flutter at the thought of making out with the boy.

"yes i did." she simply shook her head, fighting back the urge to smile at her buzzcutted best friend, instead choosing to ignore his lie and focus on the sheriff's scolding. "so you lied to me?" kida turned to look at scott, silently begging him to get her the hell out of that situation. it was awkward being stuck in the middle of a father-son argument, especially a stilinski one. "that depends on how you define lying." kida hit his shoulder gently, a signal for him to shut up while he was still alive, and the sheriff wasn't strangling his only son.

"i define it as not telling the truth. how do you define it?" she could practically feel the stupidity radiating off of stiles' next answer, really wishing that the ground would open up and swallow her whole. "reclining your a horizontal position." stiles pulled his hand out of kida's grip to include hang gestures for his explanation of lying. she sighed, rubbing her temples harshly. stiles noticed this, pulling her hands away from her face. "stop, you're going to hurt yourself." the sheriff simply told them to get the hell out of there, sending the three best friends away into the jeep.

kida rested her head against the window of roscoe, letting the overwhelming need for more sleep overcome her small body, falling asleep with a soft smile on her face, one that stiles adored. as they cruised down the street, kida's nap was short lived, the girl being startled by the shouts of her two best friends in the front seat. "you kept it?" she sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes and yawning, trying to focus on the two boys in front of her. kida peeked over stiles' shoulder, spotting a rope with a purple flower attached to it, not understanding what the big deal was. "stop the car!"

stiles quickly slammed on the breaks, kida's face hitting the back of his seat harshly, causing her to groan in pain at the feeling. "oh for the love of god! right now?" kida put the feeling of her pounding headache and bruising nose aside, choosing to focus on the yellow eyed brunette in front of her. stiles quickly jumped out of the jeep, throwing the backpack into the woods and sighing in relief. as he turned back around, he discovered a missing werewolf, and a passed out princess in his jeep.


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