twenty nine !

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chapter twenty nine
best of friends

kida sighed quietly as she looked at scott's bedroom window, deciding how she should approach getting into the house. stiles had a key, and even though it sounded harsh, she didn't want to include her boyfriend in tonight's shenanigans. his mother's car wasn't here, which meant she was working late again. she looked to the trestle, deciding that she would climb up that to get onto the roof, and then climbing through his slightly open bedroom window.

she pulled herself up the trestle, her hand wrapping around the wood gently. she quietly dragged herself up, almost getting her foot caught in the vines that threaded through the white wood. as she got onto the roof, she winced when one of the panels fell off, and down onto the concrete floor below her. she tiptoed towards the window, lifting the glass up and sliding into the room. as she did so, her foot collided with something hard, making her yelp and flop halfway out of the window.

"kida, what the hell are you doing?" she looked back, seeing scott standing there with his claws out, and a confused look in his eyes. she gave him a sheepish smile as he pulled the window up, allowing her to fall onto his bed with a huff. he looked down expectantly, waiting for her to explain why she was sneaking into his bedroom in the middle of the night. "you're all expresso depresso, so i'm taking you out."

he smiled softly, pulling her up from his bed and wrapping her in a tight hug. he realised that he hadn't been the greatest friend to her recently, and the fact that she was willing to waste her sleep time to do something with him meant that she wasn't mad at him. "what are we doing, princess?" he smiled down at her, as she smiled back up at him. it was times like this that they realised why exactly they were best friends.

"i skipped dinner, so let's go get pizza." there was a pizza place not far from scott's, and since kida had walked nineteen blocks in the middle of the night to go and see him, they could walk another four for some pizza. he looked down to her attire, realising that she had shoved a pair of his sweatpants on to come and get him. he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her out of the house and towards where marino's was.

"ladies first." kida said as she held the door for scott, making him lean down to flick her forehead gently. he wandered into the pizza place, that was virtually empty, apart from the few stragglers that sat at the bar that accompanied it. they took their booth, not even bothering to pick up a menu. this was where they'd come when they'd sneak away to eat at three in the morning. this was their special place.

"well aren't you to a cute couple." she looked up to see one of her favourite waitresses from when she was younger, who was looking back at them with the sweetest smile. she looked down, before sharing a look with scoff and bursting into laughter. her werewolf counterpart did the same thing, clutching onto her hand for support. the waitress looked so confused, until kida caught her breath and explained.

"we're not dating, ruby. i have a boyfriend." as she said the last part, she cupped a hand over her mouth and gasped. scott looked towards her with a grin, before standing up in excitement and beginning to jump around. he pointed to her, before giggling away to himself. "i knew it! i fucking knew you were dating stiles." she looked up to him, realising that she hadn't told scott that she was dating stiles.

"stiles? is that the cute one with the buzzcut?" she waitress asked, looking down between the two. they both nodded, before grinning up at the older woman with sickly sweet smiles. she rolled her eyes, before scribbling down the order they always had, and wandering away from the two best friends. "why didn't you tell me about you and stiles?" he asked suddenly.

"because allison had just broke up with you. we didn't want to make you feel bad." she said sheepishly, playing with her hands and looking down. his hand outstretched towards her, holding them still so that she'd look up at him. he frowned gently, before turning it into a smile. "i wouldn't be mad at you and stiles, kie. i know you love each other."

she grinned up at him, leaning over the table to kiss his cheek gently. the two of them settled down when their pizz and drinks arrived, grinning eagerly. they always shared a large pepperoni pizza, and always had milkshakes. scott had a chocolate one, stiles had a strawberry one, and kida had a mix of both. that was how it always was.

"should we call stiles? i feel bad for leaving him out." scott questioned, looking to his best friend with a small smile. she wouldn't begrudge having her boyfriend there with them, but tonight was supposed to be a night for cheering scott up. she shrugged her shoulders, before pulling out her phone and dialling the boy's number.

"hey, baby. it's late, what's going on?" scott rolled his eyes, as stiles' voice came out of the phone. he fake gagged, looking down at the phone and flicking it off. he plucked the small black phone from her hands, holding it up towards his mouth. she giggled silently, watching what he was doing.

"get your ass to marino's, or i'm stealing your girlfriend." and then he hung up. she chuckled loudly, flicking the boy's forehead gently. not even five minutes later, stiles came running through the door of marino's, spotting his best friend and girlfriend sitting together and laughing. he smiled as he saw them, glad that everything was back on track.

"so, what did i miss?"

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