Love happens

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This couldn't be happening. Jason Marquette is talking to me. I mean yeah I've had a crush on him all year but I've never actually had a conversation with him. And on Valentine's Day?! This can't be real.

3 hours earlier...

"Daisy wake up! Now!" Screeched Martha Pittman aka my mom.
I heard her but I certainly wish I hadn't.
"Valentine's Day bacon is on the table!" Shouted Martha.
I was out of bed and at the breakfast table before I could rub the sleep from my eyes. I gobbled 8 pieces before realizing it was Valentine's day. Now that got me into a frenzy. The kitchen clock read 7:12. Crap. I sprinted down the hall and tip toed through my majorly cluttered room to find the perfect outfit. Jeans. Check. Black long sleeve tee. Check. Cute knit sweater. Check. Knee high wedge boots. Double check. I'm ready. I rush out to the hallway towards the bathroom I share with my older sister, Kailyn. I burst in to brush my teeth and do my hair and makeup trying to ignore my sister's screams of protest from not giving her privacy in the shower. Her phone on the counter keeps buzzing every 5 seconds so I check the time. Crap crap. It's already 7:36. I straitened my shoulder length rich brown hair and part it off to the side. Time to leave. Kailyn jumps out of the shower as I flee from the bathroom. Living with a college student is awful. She literally borrows everything I have and I often find her studying in my room when I come home from school. Kailyn lives by the rule what's mine is yours. At exactly 7:45, I hop into Martha's mini van and I arrive at school precisely 6 minutes later. I shove through the crowd of loud teens while trying to access my locker, excitement for unknown love coursing through my veins. I grab my books and make it to my first class, English, just before 8:00. In my regular seat in the back I can see the backs of all my friends' heads including the back of Jason Marquette's beautiful wavy black hair two seats in front of me. "Hey Dais, can I borrow a pencil?" Asked my best friend, Laurel. Usually it's the other way around but today I have two pencils instead of zero. "Yeah. Here." I whisper while leaning across the isle to hand my ginger friend the pencil. Just then, Ms. Brushwick finally stood up from her desk to start class. We were studying Romeo and Juliet. How fit for February 14, my favorite play on my favorite day. Before I knew it, the bell had rung for the next class and twenty Freshmen practically ran from Ms. Brushwick's horrid classroom. On my way to Geometry, I was greeted by people left and right. "Happy Valentine's Day Pittman," Exclaimed Ben Cowry, Laurel's crush and one of my best friends, while smirking at me across the courtyard. "Good morning Daisy?" Inquired Mr. Hitchcock, my former history teacher, while rushing past me not even bothering to await an answer. "Who's your Valentine Dais?" Asked Mila Brooks, my friend who's in Art with me. "Who's yours?" I shouted after her as I laughed and went on my way. As I reached the classroom, I nearly ran head on into a strange golden-haired boy bursting out of the Geometry room. " 'Scuze me, sorry," I awkwardly apologized but he just stood in the doorway staring at me and replying, "That was all my fault, I don't believe we've met." "I'm sorry no we haven't but I really need to get to class now." I shot back. "Of course, of course. Sorry again." He said as he moved out of the way to let me pass. I noticed his dark eyes still staring at me as I entered Mr. Beleer's room. One long hour later and the bell finally rang for break. I shuffled through the crowd of high schoolers to my locker for the second time today to replace my books and I found that standing by my locker was non other than Jason Marquette. I stopped short in my tracks. Not only is Jason the upcoming star quarterback for Albridge High but is also the best French horn player this school has ever had and he's not a bad singer. I stopped short in my tracks among the bustling crowd and just stared at him socializing with Ben and Laurel most likely waiting for me to approach. Before I could take another step, some kid slammed into me and knocked my books from my hands. "Oh! I'm so so so so sorry!" The boy rambled. We both bent down to gather my books when I saw who it was: the same golden-haired boy from geometry. I gathered my books and stood back up when he noticed me too. "Hey, you're the girl I bumped into after math right?" "Yeah..." I drawled. The locker room was finally clearing out and over by my locker, Laurel was pointing in my direction talking to Jason. He looked where she was pointing and his blue eyes brightened when he saw me. The boy saw this and asked me, "Is that your boyfriend? He looks nice." I blushed and quickly replied, "Not yet." I began to walk towards my friends when the boy said one last thing to my back, "Well if it doesn't work out, come find me." I turn around but he's gone. The next thing I know I am standing face to face with Jason freaking Marquette. I see Laurel and Ben sneak off leaving us two alone in the locker room. "Hey Daisy." He smiled. This couldn't be happening. Jason Marquette is talking to me. I mean yeah I've had a crush on him all year but I've never actually had a conversation with him. And on Valentine's Day?! This can't be real.
"Hey Jason." I awkwardly smile back. "I like your hair straight." Jason answers. I laugh and he blushes. "I like your hair wavy." I reply as he laughs. "Yeah so...I wanted to ask you a question." He chokes out. Jason rubs his hand on the back of his neck and meanwhile stretches his other arm out to lean against the lockers but missing and stumbles across the floor nearly falling flat on his face. At this point neither of us can stop laughing and I barely get out my reply, "What's up?" "Do you want to go with me to the Valentine's Dance tonight?" DO I EVER?! Before I could shout out and tackle that boy with a hug I calmly answer, "Jason, I would love to."

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