Chapter Eight

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~ Cover designed by anvtomy {Thanks so much} 😊 ~

"Aurora and Chase, sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G," sings Summer loudly in my my ear.

"Shut up Summer," I groan as our relief teacher glares at us for making noise in the library. Summer grins as she wraps the ending up and then goes on to sing it all again.

"Aurora and Chase, sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G," she sings wickedly. I had to admit, Summer had quite the singing voice, although her song choice needed some work. Like couldn't she sing something from today for example; Don't by Ed Sheran. That song is life, I have a friend from back home who is in love with him.

"Summer, I'm seriously going to shove my foot right up your arse, if you don't stop that!" I warn her, lifting my foot up so she could see I wasn't kidding.

"Why are you so grumpy missy?" she asks smiling innocently. I glare at her.

"Because you've been singing that fricken song for half an hour," I all but yell at her.

"Miss, quiet your voice right now and if I hear either of you again, you're out," warns the teacher glaring at the both of us. We watch as he continues to walk away from our table to another group, then I turn and glare at Summer.

"I agree with you, he's rude!" she says grinning, as she pretends my glare was about the teacher. I shake my head, but I couldn't help the smile that makes it's way onto my face.
"This assignment sucks like..." I glance up from my notebook to glance at Summer who was pulling at her blonde fishtail.

"Shi..." I start to say but someone speaks over me.

"Fish nuggets!" Summer and I turn around in our seats to glare at whoever it was that had been listening in our conversation. Like hello! Fricken rude much.

"Sean?" Summer says clearly shocked to see him standing in front of us, smiling at me. Sean Anderson was smiling at me, no the player Sean Anderson was smirking at me.

"Summer," he says nodding his head at my bestie then he grins at me.
"New girl, I believe we haven't officially met," he says as he holds his hand out for me to shake. I glance at his hand, raising my eyebrow at him.

"As you said, I'm the new girl and you're bad boy Sean Anderson who breaks girls hearts. Yeah I remember you jackass!" I huff as I turn back around in my seat, turning my attention back to the task. The assignment.

"Aurora!" Summer warns me quietly, poking me in the side. I glare at her, how dare she poke me, all I said was the truth.

"Aurora.." Sean says huskily in my ear, testing my name out. I freeze in my seat, my pen froze above the paper. "Sounds magical, mysterious to me. Maybe we should see how magical you really are and then I may call you," he adds, his voice deep and husky. I turn around in my seat again and slap him, hard, again.

"Fuck off Sean! Girls are not a damn condom, you can't keep buying and using them and expect every girl to fall for your stupid player tricks," I yell at him, pissed off. Sean doesn't even flinch from the slap, he just grins.
"Why the fuck are you grinning?" I ask him a little scared to find out the answer.

"Fuck off Anderson, she's with me," says a deep voice behind him, all three of us turn to find Chase staring at Sean angrily.

"Oh is she now Evan's?" he asks smiling, he seems pretty interested to know. I could fight my own fucken battles, I didn't need Chase or anyone but myself. It's strange though, that the teacher hadn't came over and yelled at us yet.

"I'm with no fricken o.." I trail off as Chase turns his eyes on me. His usual warm chocolate eyes were cold, hatred and his face pretty much told me to-shut-the-fuck-up-or-die. I gulp, I didn't want to die.
"Yep, I'm uh.. with him," I say confidently, pointing at Chase. Sean turns and faces me, seeming slightly surprised ya my words.

"Fuck me!" cries Sean suddenly, smiling at Chase.
"You've finally got your moves back man, took you long enough," hr glances at me. "Once you're done with swearing pants over there, send her over to me." I stand in shock, he did NOT just call me swearing pants.

"You're a dickhead Sean for even thinking that I'm all innocent and don't know what you're talking about. For you information, I'm not ever going to you for sex, so fuck off and find another willing victim to be your sex slave," I all but yell at him. I then turn to face Chase, glaring at him.
"I can fight my own fricken battles, I don't need your help so piss off and stop trying to protect me," I yell at him. I see a flash of surprise, shock and then something between sad to guilt flash across his face. I glance at Summer to see she was shocked just like the other two, her mouth was open as she stared at me. I start packing my things up quickly, I had to get out of here.

"Miss, that's it. I'm asking you to please leave the library.."

"That's what I'm fucking doing you..." Chase grabs my arm, stopping my train of curse words that was about to happen. I look up at him, he slowly shakes his head, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Now out you go, and you three if I hear anything from you's again, you'll be joining her," the teacher warns the others. I shake my hand, getting it out of Chase's grip. With that I pick up my books and pens, Summer mouths that she'll find me later, I sigh as I walk out of the library. I decide to take a long walk to my locker, I was bored and didn't know where else to go. Now when I say long walk, I mean the long way is the only way I know how to get to the lockers, a seven minute walk. Finally I smile slightly as I come to stand I'm front of my red locker door. With another sigh, I twist the dial a few times until I hear the clock. I yank it open, and my eyes fall on something on the top of my books. It looked like a folded note, reaching out, I grab it and turn it over. Sure enough, I found writing.

Hey Kitten,
Thought you could use a break, lunch is next anyway so.. I'll shout you to a free Starbucks five star meal ;P it includes a ride there for free :)
If you're coming along, meet at my car in ten, hope to see my lunch partner there.

I had one pretty good guess to who it was, the questions are. How did he get here before me and sneak the note in? and second, should I go?
Sorry for a short chapter guys, I did say that I was going to be quite busy today and I was. But hey! what's this *looks at chapter eight* I still updated baby! Any hi-5's people?
Well what are you thoughts on this chapter? Thoughts on Sean? and do you think Aurora should go or not?
Also a big thanks to that_average_fangirl and NikkiNguyen798 for designing me a lovely cover in which I'll show you's in one of the chapter headers coming up =) check these two fabulous people out. As well as that, check out SBilalKhan and his amazing poems Sinners and Doers, they are really amazing, must see and his short stories =)
Another big thanks to anvtomy for the cover =]
You're very welcome to try your luck at making a cover for Player Vs. Player, comment any questions you have or pm me. You'll receive a special mention, and follow =)
Comment. Follow. Vote. 😊
Amy xxx

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