Chapter 11

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The next morning, Gun was rushing down to make it on time for their photo shoot. He slept late last night because a certain someone kept on invading his mind, and he just tossed and turned all night. He couldn't forget how Off blushed at him in the museum, how he casually winked as if it's normal for friends to wink at each other, and most of all, how intense his gaze were when they were in Central Park in Manhattan.

The staff who did his look was trailing behind him, the same urgency obvious in their actions, and Gun wished they wouldn't be in trouble just because of his carelessness. When he walked out the elevator, Arm was on one of the hotel sofa lounges sipping a freshly brewed coffee, his hands busy flipping through the pages of a newspaper. Gun wanted to stop and greet him, but time is of essence for him, especially now that he's running late. Arm wasn't in a hurry though, so when he saw Gun, he greeted him enthusiastically. "Good morning, Gun!"

Gun doesn't have any choice but to stop and mimic the energy that Arm was showing. "Hello, Arm!"

"Don't worry, I won't hold you for long," He chuckled. "You look very worried but Off is waiting for you outside."

"Off is waiting?" Gun echoed.

"Yes, just right outside," Arm said. "Now go. I'll catch you some other time. It was nice seeing you again, Gun."

Arm has been painted as a rich, spoiled playboy by the magazines that Gun had read before. At one point, he believed the articles. Arm was definitely giving off that kind of vibes but now, he felt guilty for seeing Arm in the wrong way and believing the lies. Arm was definitely kind and warm.

"Thank you," Gun said. "I'm counting on that meet up."

He saw Arm smiled and waved at him before his feet shuffled hurriedly outside the hotel. There were two cars outside, and he recognized one of them as the Magazine's van. The other one wasn't familiar to him. He was about to enter the van, but the car window of the unrecognizable vehicle rolled down, and inside was a very dashing Off.

He smiled his usual quirky smile, and Gun wondered how many girls had fallen for him because of his smile. He shook the thought off his brain and side tracked towards the other car when Off called him.

"You have a car?" Gun asked, crouching down to see Off.

"Get in," Off said. "We'll talk inside. Also, we have a photo shoot to catch."

Gun realized the other van was nowhere to be seen, leaving him with no other choice but to take a ride with Off. He hopped inside and put his seat belt on. When Off saw that he was all set, he turned the engine on and began driving through the busy streets of New York.

"So, is this your car?" Gun repeated his question that was left unanswered by Off a while ago.

"No, this is Arm's," the prince answered. "I borrowed it from him."

"What for?" Gun asked. "We have a service vehicle anyway."

"I don't like it when people drive for me, Mr. Atthaphan. I wanna be in control," Off answered.

"Oh," Gun mumbled.

They passed by different parts of the city that Gun had never been before, even back when he had shot a movie in New York. He busied himself by looking out and observing different buildings, different people and different cultures that is so rampant in America but can never be seen in Thailand.

"I also want to have some alone time with you."

Gun glanced at Off who was gripping the steering wheel too tightly. His voice was low and quiet, as if he was whispering to Gun but the latter caught his words. The superstar opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He was stricken with confusion and wonder, but the way Off was acting was definitely making the butterflies in his stomach come alive.

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