Chapter 17

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"I'm getting married," Off repeated.

Gun was confused. If Off was playing with him, it's not funny at all. "I don't get it, Off."

The prince was breathing heavily. "Can's just...can I get in first? I...I don' head is spinning. I've had half a bottle of alcohol."

Gun ushered him in, the actor leading Off to his mini living room. He was glad he cleaned up the day before, but he was positive that even if his condominium was messy, Off was too occupied to notice. Off sat down on the sofa, his hands on his head, his body crouched down. He was still breathing heavily, but the prince felt a little better just by seeing Gun. The actor turned off his television and sat beside Off, maintaining a safe distance since the latter still seemed shaken.

Off didn't talk or speak, and Gun let him be. He grabbed a glass of cold water, and Off gladly accepted it. He was not yet drunk but he was definitely under the slight influence of alcohol. It was drained away though after a glass of water, refreshing his mind.

He needed to talk to Gun and that's why he came here but now that he was close to him, he couldn't seem to speak. He doesn't know how to explain things to him since he himself was still absorbing the events earlier that night.


"Off, we need to talk to you about something very important."

Off knew his father had always been serious, but there was an uncomfortable tone in his voice. Nonetheless, he urged them to tell him what they needed to tell him. He was too happy that night and just wanted to go to his room, take a nice, long shower and grab some dinner before calling Gun.

His parents shared a look and a silent conversation passed between them. Off couldn't understand but there was an eerie vibe in the room. He shrugged it off thinking that maybe it was just rare that both his parents talk to him privately.

"Father, mother, what is it?"

They shared another knowing look. His father cleared his throat, looked him in the eye and said, "You're getting married."

There was silence. Off's eyes shifted between his mother and his father. He didn't know if he was going deaf, or if there was something wrong with his ears. He definitely heard his father telling him that he was about to get married.

Instead, Off chuckled nervously. "Okay, very funny. Really, what is it?"

The expression of his father hardened. "We are not joking, Jumpol. Have you ever heard us joke before?"

"No, but-"

"Jumpol, you will be turning twenty seven in a few days. The ball is not just your birthday party, it will be your engagement party too. A few more years and you will be stepping in as king. Under our law, one couldn't be crowned as king until he could find a wife."

"What bullshit is this?" Off exclaimed.

"Off!" his mother reprimanded. "Language!"

"No, mother!" Off said. "Are you telling me that I need to get married because some stupid old law requires me to do so?"

"Yes," his father growled. "And because you are next in line for the throne, Jumpol. You should stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about your country! About your people!"

"I am, father! Believe me, I am! I am haunted by my responsibilities every single day!" Off cried. "But marrying someone just because the law requires me to? Pure bullshit!"

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