What the hell?

872 33 7

Previously in Arrow.

"Did you hear that?" Aaliyah quickly shoved the jewelry in her pocket and turned around. 

A figure stood behind a tree looking at the two girls. It was hard to see any specific details about the person, or creature standing before them. Suddenly it lifted its limb and removed a hoodie top revealing itself.



"Yeah it's me" Cameron stepped out of the shadows coming into full view. Aaliyah jumped and just about to take off, when Lyric quickly pulled Aaliyah back.

"How can you prove thats its really you Cameron?" Lyric held a stern face feeling something isn't right or the same.

"Seriously Lyric its Cameron! it's freaking Cameron." Aaliyah jerked forwards towards Cameron, having the urge of a united hug.

 Cameron stood there backing away slowly as the two girls were bickering. 

"Where do you think your going?" Lyric quickly stopped fussing and snapped her head towards Cameron."You're leaving and we just found you? For which we practically spent days crying over your disappearence" Lyric let go of Aaliyah and stood standing there defensivly as she always did. 

"Come with me." Cameron spoke quietly as they saw him standing there."I'll explain on the way, I promise."

The two girls looked at each other. Thinking the same idea...Follow an old friend that was kidnapped and just popped up out of no where? 

"Lets go"  The two girls nodded at each other then quickly followed Cameron into the darkened woods. "Wait...look at me Cameron." Aaliyah stopped halting in her spot.

"What happened to your look? You used to have long shaggy hair and beanies with a cheesy smile. Now you look like a model from vogue with perfect hair. Puberty hit you like a truck Cam." She chuckled thinking of the old cam with his phone recording little 6 second videos on vine.

"Oh shut up Ali" He looked down and continued walking in the woods with the girls following closely behind.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Lyric's voice was shaky and hesitant, but was understandable. She was used to being inside and watching YouTube like any tumblr girl would do. While now she was in a darkened forest with animals, surrounded by nature, with an old friend with possibly some dark secret, at dusk. The Twilight zone. 

 "Yes we just have to pass the cemetery and we'll be there within a mintue or two." He looked down at her for now she was clinging on his right arm.

"Wait so explain why or how you went missing." Aaliyah quickly brought up the situation before any other distractions could possibly occur. 

"Well...you may not believe me at first but once we get out our destination you will. Anyway I was jogging in the morning by the creek we were just at." Cameron paused for a second collecting his thoughts."And I heard a noise behind me, mostly cause it was loud and my music was on low just in case I got a text or call from you guys, or anyone for the fact."

"Wow so that website was telling the truth that you were jogging." Lyric had let go of Cameron taking a look at him as they were still walking. 

"Ha yeah, I guess?." He chuckled finding the sidewalk, he switched his direction and quickly followed along the silver concrete pathway. "So I stopped when I heard the noise , and the next thing you know i'm impacted and thrown down the grass hill and into the creek . When I saw what it was it was just plain out of the ordinary. It was a black monstrous wolf with bulging red eyes. I got up and ran as quick as I could but that thing was just so fast it caught up with me within a second. It tackled me down and I was face-to-face with the thing. And thought I was going to die, but instead of killing me, it bit me on my arm. Right in my left shoulder." Cameron took off his jacket halting before continuing any further. He tugged at his grey sleeve, and showed the girls the bite mark that was now healed but left a scar of memory.

"It still haunts me, but after learning what that bite did, it changed me, a lot." Cameron continued walking going into the entrance of the torn cemetery.

Aaliyah could feel her emotions shift as she looked around the dead area. Chills went down her spine as she looked a tombstone.

"Geez are we in Anartica?!" lyric rubbed her arms attempting to generate warmth.

"No, but we should get out of here quickly.The Cemetery isn't the best to visit at dusk." Cameron grabbed both of the girls arms and pulled them to the other side of the cemetery.

The feeling of being chased and stared upon flooded into Aaliyah's thoughts and actions. Instead of staying next to her friends she tugged away from them and ran at a bolting speed. The gate was only a few feet away when she could hear them calling. Everything seemed as if time and movement was slowing. As if she had all the time in the world. Aaliyah turned her gaze to see Lyric lying on the ground with her foot stuck in a thorned vine.

A wave of panic flooded into Aaliyah and she sped back around and slid to Lyric's side and yanked on the spiked vines. Blood trickled down her hands and to the dead dirt that was pale with color.

"Where the hell is Cameron?!" Aaliyah shouted as she continued to struggle with the vine tangled around Lyric's ankle.

"He was next to me but when I fell, he was gone." Lyric flinched in pain and was flushed after losing blood.

"Okay, we are going to be okay." Aaliyah muttered to herself.

"Need help?" Cameron knelt down besides her yanking at the vine which broke seconds later with his bare hands and strength,

How the hell?! Aaliyah stared at Cameron. She tugged at the vine for a minutes and did barely any damage. While he came minutes later and broke it in seconds.

"Where were you?" Aaliyah was still kneeling in the same spot with blood still trialing down her arms.

"Getting help." Cameron turned his gaze.

Lyric pulled herself away and cradled her leg, crying. Blood continued to seep through her wounds when foot steps came into tune and a few boys stood there staring.

"Well don't just stand there help!" Cameron shouted kneeling besides Aaliyah as her hands were soaked in her own blood.

"You've probably lost more than Lyric did." Cameron gently grabbed her and laid her body against him. Aaliyah couldn't fight back, but she didn't want to fight back either. Heat oozed from his body as she laid there in his chest. She wanted to be closer having this urge made her snuggle closer to him, but she couldn't. Since he was her best friend and it would only make things awkward.

Cameron picked her up bridal style with one of the boys at his side. Piercing baby blue eyes, and dark hair made him seem irresistible, but she didn't want him.

Aaliyah looked around as slumber started taking action. The walk continued down a dirt road and a house appeared. Something shiny caught her eye, quickly turning her gaze prying her eye lids open. She could a figure standing a few feet away. It was see through almost clear but gone after a blink.

What the hell?


~ Swerve Out ~

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