Chapter 5 - They Are Not What They Seem

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After Darryl finished off three bowls of stew--neither John nor Simon minded how much he ate; they must have an abundant supply of meats--, he decided to explore the town a bit

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After Darryl finished off three bowls of stew--neither John nor Simon minded how much he ate; they must have an abundant supply of meats--, he decided to explore the town a bit. John went on his obligations as the leader, deciding who would patrol what for the following week.

It was nice being with actual people again, to breathe the same air as another. It was nice to see a group of people again. Actual, civilized people. He passed by a few people relaxing, drinking, and laughing together. Darryl smiled softly to himself. He wished that Zak was still around. He then directed his interest to the road ahead. The snow had already ceased long ago and the sun had set. All of the buildings around him were lit up inside. All except for one.

Darryl paced up to that building. He had an unusual suspicion lurking in his gut. He needed to see what this building was about.

Darryl put his hand on the doorknob once he got to it and looked around. He turned the knob and started to open it, but it was slammed shut by a hand before Darryl could see what lay inside. His first instinct was to jump back.

It was from Simon. Simon glowered at him, eyes full of unexplained rage.

"Simon?" Darryl's eyes were still wide from the slam.

Simon pointed a finger at Darryl like he was scolding a child. His other hand was still on the door.

"Do not go in there again. John won't hear about this... unless I catch you going in there again. Do you understand?" Simon growled. Darryl's eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly. "Go back to your quarters. Don't make me have to escort you." He pulled back his coat a bit, revealing an assault rifle. Darryl nodded even faster and hurried back to his temporary room.

What was that about? Why is Simon so secretive? Most of all, what the heck is in that room?! Darryl thought as he made his way back to his room.

The next morning, Darryl woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door. Darryl sat up and rubbed his eyes. His hand reached over and grabbed his glasses on the nightstand. Darryl was surprised at how good of condition they were in. Not even a single scratch disturbed the glass lens. He hopes they will stay that way.

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