(19) An Old Couple's My Relationship Goal

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HNO (19)

I run towards the front door of the house ignoring the calls of Jake saying I shouldn’t be leaving because I’m not healthy enough still. It’s been a couple hours since I told off Jake. Apparently, I had a panic attack and passed out.

I didn’t care. I could have been one step away from dying, and I would have still left. Jake kissed me.




Why? For reasons I don’t know. I didn’t want to even remember it. I didn’t even kiss him back. Not like I would. I have Taylor. My boyfriend. I’m heading to his house right now. I feel awful about this whole thing. Like, I was kissed by the one guy I used to like, and then he goes and kisses me. Like what even?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and am jerked around.

“You can’t leave, Mel. You just woke up,” Jake says.

“But if I stay, that just means that I am staying around the thing that caused it.”  

“Look, I don’t know what came over me, but I just kissed you, okay? It’s not that big of a deal.”

“It’s a huge deal. I have a boyfriend. You kissed me! I told you that simply looking at you hurt. Yet you went and kissed me.”

“I’m sorry! Just please. You need to rest. I won’t even bother you. Just please.”

I debate about it before returning up to my room with Jake following behind me.

“Leave me alone.”

“I’m watching over you.”

“I’m fine.”


I walk all the way down to my room and my head starts spinning from the stairs and I become out of breath. Jake steadies me before I fall over.

“You’re not okay. I can tell.”

I push his hands off of me and wobble off to my room. I close the door before Jake can manage to get in. A couple seconds later, a note is slid under the door.

Dear Melody,

If this is the one way we can talk without you getting mad at me, then let it be.

I’m sorry. There. I wrote it. You’ve gotten my apology in writing. I just need to tell you something.

Sophia and I are only dating for publicity. It was something our managers came up with to boost her popularity. As for the reputation, it’s somewhat true. I haven’t slept with any girl before. I have dated before.  Not as many as others aw, but I have.

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