Let's Go Home Chibi

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We finally made it to the in between village that connected the human and demon territory.I would see if the matter could be loved by talking with there leader or what ever.

As my royal party walked the bridge and we crossed on to the flower covered land.The crystal blue spring water rushed falsity pasted over vermillion hills. The red petals contrasted so well with the green sanctuary. It looked so peaceful here. The demon kingdom was pretty with it's greenery as well.

I picked a few of the crimson colored flowers and started to weave them together.

"Your highness what are you doing"Uraraka asked

The party all turned to me to see what the pink checked girl was talking about.

"im making a flower crown"awnsered placing it on top of my head.
The aww's that's passed through the group.
And certain ash blond blushed and folded his arms.
"Deku we don't have time for hobbies right now."kachan said
"Here it matches your pretty eyes anyway"i said walking to kachan standing on my tip toes and placing the crown on top of his head

"See your my king anyways"i placed a kiss on his cheek then continued to walk ahead of everyone else.
The smokey blond boy's face went up in flames everyone blew up in laughter.

Then a voice was heard.


The voice screamed the party went into battle formation I was drew back into the middle of everyone else. There was a flash of red and white that flew threw the trees like Tarzan on a vine. The rush of wind got powerful. The metal of a sword scrapped the hilt it was drawn from.
In a split second I closed my eyes.
I felt the edge of the very sharp metal against my neck.
I slowly lifted my gaze to be meet with heterochrome eyes. One blue and the other a nice gray color.My emerald eyes meet the strangers and his sword dropped from his hand.

""My deepest apologies you must be the new hire to the demon kingdom."The red and white haired man bowed his head in shame
He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles white kneeling on one knee.
I heard a growl and looked over to see kirishima and denki holding kachan back.

"Yeah I'm the king but who are you?"i asked slowly taking my hand from him giving a slight bow to be polite.

"I am king Shoto Todoroki I run the human-Demon kingdom. We are just a bunch batch of mixed breads. We honest don't mean any harm."He said sheathing his sword.


He looked taken back from my out burst.
I walked to kachan and grabbed his hand.

"If you were a true king you would realize your people need help and do something about it."I suddenly cried the clouds above us got gray I ran through the village along with kachan seeing dry crops and no water anywhere. The bridge is over the lake but these crops we're burned by someone. Who did this why would someone destroy food that a whole community needs to live. Damn this is a waste.

"Yo Denki What can we do about this?"i asked the oh wise dunce

"Only thing we can do is probably give them food until their crops regrow."denki said

"But we didn't have to come all the way out here to do that."i said
As I looked at the people of the land
They were starting at us like fools. They all went in to there houses and shut their doors.

"Somethings not right"Mina said in questions

"Yeah these folks are acting a little strange."Kiri said voicing his opinion he grabbed denki's wasit

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