15 | worse than nightmares

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Skin slapping from the other side of the thin wall is probably the most traumatic stuff you're experiencing so far in the dorm.

Laying on your back squeezing your eyes shut and hands covering your poor ears, the only result sending pictures through your mind. Namjoon is in the room next to you and the unholy sounds easily travel right through the thin wall between you two.

You know exactly what's happening in the room next door.

How? Well...

Sharing an apartment with Taehyung has taught you far more than how crazy his personality is. There's not much to say other than you came home a bit too early to hear weird sounds in your shared apartment.

Soon you had discovered the source and not only that but a fairly exhausted Taehyung looking at you with big glass clear eyes as they only grew bigger by the second.

It isn't awkward anymore, he has had a lot of explaining to do.

It's not a moment you want to relive, yet the noises make you jump out of bed and quickly pull on a chest-binder incase any souls — apart from namjoon's — are alive to witness your female feature.

Mentally trying to erase the picture of Namjoon right now, you hold your eyes running to the kitchen standing with yet the same dilemma as last time, knowing what happened with you and Jungkook last time you pull the small strands of hair.

You have promised to Jungkook to be friend's. Friend's share a lot of skinship and cuddle, right? I mean that is basically describing your daily routine with Taehyung.

Checking your watch

— 1:04 am it reads

"Why Namjoon!" You whine to yourself laying down on the kitchen floor. The cold ground cooling you down along with the frustration and lack of sleep. A shiver travels down your spine and you shake of the cold and immediately sits up against the equally chill wall.

The bathroom door twists right across from you, Jimin stepping out with messy hair and bare torso.

The blonde let's out a small shriek as he sees you unexpectedly watching him from the floor. "Holy shit you scared the living-"

"No cursing on my christian minecraft server. Christian chimchim."

"What the fuck." He says the confusion not faltering from his face. "What are you at this time on the kitchen floor?" Your lips curve into a lighter disgusted expression but quickly snaps into a small smile.

"Unexpected circumstances." The smile doesn't quite reach your eyes and you shakes your head at the garden gnome in front of you.

"Jimin can I sleep with you tonight?"

Is what you are close to letting go unfiltered out from your mouth but with a mental pause you look at Jimin. A plan pops into your mind like it was a cartoon and your mouth is open to speak to Jimin but stop in your tracks.

"Can you help me up?"

With a helping hand you get on your two feet. With a clap on his shoulder you walk back to your own room.

"Let's fight fire with fire."

You have never been so dumb in your short lived life. Thinking that Namjoon would stop if you recreated the sounds by slapping your thigh aggressively to show the paper thin walls let the sound travel through like a portal.

You have only embarrassed yourself further.

"Vitus, you know our wall's are thin right?" You open your mouth to defend yourself from the incoming statement from Namjoon's mouth. It isn't just you and him sitting in the living room while crunching on the cereal.

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