20 | missing condom

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To refresh your memory:
🙈 = smut
🐵 = safe

"Why did you bring condoms?"

"It's about time for you to get out there, get your first kiss, first-" Pause. In that moment realisation hit you like a truck. You're Jungkook first kiss and he let you take it from him. He seemed so calm and collected before you had kissed but now all his puppy action made sense.

"And you're going to do it with a Finnish girl? Damn okay boy." Namjoon says with a teasing grin and Yoongi stands like a proud father while he's searching for his book in his suitcase. You stay silent looking up at Jungkook who is desperately trying to avoid your eyes or even remotely looking your way.

"I didn't bring it to have sex-"

"Make sense please." Jimin interrupted looking at the size L condoms in the bag. Your stomach twisted following Jimin's gaze and your eyes shyly drifted towards Jungkook again who tried to save himself from further embarrassment. "I brought it for you guys."

"Bold of you to assume we all use L."

"Isn't that normal?"
Yoongi facepalmed himself while Hoseok just looked confused and surprised at this conversation even happening. Nervously Hoseok just stepped closer to you feeling the convo gradually becoming less and less family friendly. "There's no way he's this dumb. I support you releasing your hormones Jungkook, just keep it down will you." Jimin says.

"You all are assuming he'll actually use any of these. Jungkook is a very responsible guy and wouldn't just fuck someone who isn't his girlfriend." Namjoon adds. Jungkook's mouth tugs into a small smile as his mind is occupied with much more than the voices in the room.

"We should probably head out, eat and continue this conversation some other time." Yoongi says walking up to the guys. "I'm honestly not hungry I'll stay and get some sleep." You say despite the rumbling sensation in your stomach. "That's fine by me, anyone else wanna stay at the hotel?" Jungkook nods shyly feeling the others intensive glares on him.

"Okay you can stay if you change your mind about the food I'll bring it to the hotel." Hoseok says smiling at the two of you. Everyone leaves the room making you and Jungkook stand by yourselves.

"I'll head to-" You don't get to finish your sentence as Jungkook lifts you up in his arms to lay down on his bed. You land on the bed with your back first bouncing on the mattress. He immediately throws himself beside you and hugging you close to his body.

You roll onto your side looking at Jungkook who's looking back at you. "Large hm?" You ask teasingly after some time of him holding you close. Embarrassed he pushes you off the bed making you land with a thump on the floor. "Oh my, I'm so sorry." He exclaims apologising for your hip clashing with the floor and you groan.

"Eye for an eye." You laugh on the floor sitting up. "My turn to seek revenge." Jungkook is scared of what your plan might be. Crawling from the floor and towards his suitcase you take out a condom about to open it but Jungkook beats you to it snatching it from you. "I will not hesitate to murder you if you open one."

"You're too innocent for that Kook." You say taking a hold around the condom and placing a small peck on his lips. It's enough to fluster him and snatch the packaging from his hands. With one swift motion you bite the condom open and Jungkook just pauses. "They'll think I stayed to do the deed with some Finnish girl now."

"I mean you did bring condoms to an all boys event while being a handsome male and haven't dated anyone before." You spit out the remaining plastic in your mouth from the packaging. "Now, I know these are expensive so let's not waste this one." You say with no unchristian thought in mind only one thing.

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