Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 awwwwwwww!!!!!!!! Okey settle down, settle down *Sips some calming tea* aaaaanyway im so excited for chapter 2 are you? (Hehe that rhymed kinda) this time in gonna incorporate Sorren's POV and possibly Jasmina's. Soooooo here we go. Chapter 2!!!!!



{Sorren's POV}

Students had just been dismissed when I saw her. She was sitting on the bleachers with her friend, laughing and yelling. A slight smile caressed my lips. She didn't seem to notice the people giving her side ways glances and laughing at her.

Her name Fuck I can't remeber...NAUTICA.

Her friend handed her something I couldn't see and she opened it. She looked confused for a bit, but the girl seemed to explain, and her lip began to tremble slightly.

She'd just given her friend a huge hug and was almost crying with joy. A huge grin covered her face

Hmm..what did that girl give her to make her so happy?

I gazed up at the greying sky, and pondered what could have caused that beautiful, big smile...

The feeling of slender arms wrapping around my waist pulled me out my thoughts. I glanced back and saw the tell-tail orange hair.

"Do you like her?" She questioned.

I rolled my eyes at her childish question. "What's it to you?"

She sagged against my back "You know why Sorey," She whined, burying her face in plain black T-shirt

I removed her arms and turned to face her. "Kelsey I already told you that you and me would never work."

"Why nooooot?" She asked re-wrapping her arms around me. "What about the hug in the cafeteria?"

"For one because you're my little sisters baby sitter, AND you're weird! And the hug was because I had Cheeto dust on my handsand I was wiping it off on your shirt. Now detach!" I yelled, unhooking her arms from around my waist once again.

She went to grab me again but I quickly moved so she grabbed air. "Soreeeeeeeeey!" She called after me as I ran to the other side of our schools track.

Stopping to catch my breath, I glanced up and saw I was right in front of the bleachers staring straight up at Nautica.

She obviously hadn't noticed me, and I watched as she busted into laugher....a light yet hearty laugh that filled the air like the most melodious hym.

Her dark chocolate brown eyes went wide as her friend tickled her sides. I smiled widley and even let loose a chuckle (Which I don't do) and kneeled there frozen by her beauty. The sunlight had poked through the darkening sky just long enough to glance off of her magnificent ebony skin.............. Oooookey, something is wrong. I never say stuff like least about girls........ Who cares she stopped laughing! Why? I opened my eyes, not realizing I closed them, expelling my thoughts, and saw her looking straight at me with a horrified look on her face.

What did I do?

{Nautica's POV}

"I got you somethin' boo." Jas stated.

"You did?" I asked quizzicaly.

She nodded pulling out a thick, book sized gift, with a smaller package with matching red wrapping paper from her satchel.

She presented them to me looking proud of herself, and I took them, suspicious about what was going on.

"What is it?" I asked, a little excitement growing in my chest.

"Open it and see." She answerd, gesturing for me to do just that.

I hesitantly ripped the shiny red wrapping paper off of the first big package and saw 4 composition books stacked up. I looked at her silently questioning the reason behind the gifts.

"I remembered you told me you ran out of writing paper, so I bought you these so you could write." She smiled at me and gestured to the second, smaller gift. I carfully un-wrapped it and found my favorite brand and style of mechanical pencils all in orange!!! (My favorite color)

"Awwwwwww Jassy poo." I said as I embraced her warmly with a huge smile on my face. While she hugged me I felt my nose burn. Ughhh don't tell me im gonna cry (my nose always burns before I cry)

Hot tears brimmed my eyes but I blinked them away, still hugging Jasmina, my awesome friend.

{Jasmina POV}

Yes!! I had made her happy....the love of my life happy.

She hugged me warmly and I gladly hugged her back, nuzzling her head under my chin.

Maybe now she would forget about that stupid ass boy, and realize I'm the one for her.

Smiling, I looked around the feild thinking about how much she loved me....When I was will Naut everything was okay.

I glanced around the feild holding Naut close and caught something hurrying towards us.
Who is that?

I focused and saw that ugly ass white, blond hair. Hell no! He's not ruining this moment!

I pushed Naut up gently and started tickling her like crazy. I smiled as her eyes went wide, and she tried to grab my hands. I was having none of it and, forced her back against the next set of seats and drilled her tummy, and sides.

She gasped and started giggling, even snorting at one point. I smiled triumphantly, knowing that my distraction had worked, and closed my eyes, truly hearing her laugh.

I realized that was mistake when Nautica grabbed my hands and jerked me away from her.

She rested her elbows on her knees, catching her breath. When she looked up her eyes grew wide, and her cheeks grew darker (she blushed). I followed her gaze, and saw what she was looking at. Sorren! Shit shit shit!!!

I glared at him and saw something in his eyes, as he gazed at Nautica.......................Love...


Sooooooo what did you guys think??? I know it might have been a tiny bit confusing. So basically what I did was write one scene, from all of their POVs. Soooooo I hope you guys liked it (pleeeease like it) and ya. Btw there may be some spelling mistakes but still i hope you like it.

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