Why Do You Care?

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Well, I'm home from the internship.

Mr. Web
That's awesome! 👍

Ms. Nat
How was your first day?

Mr. Hammer
How are you, young one?

Woah, Mr. Hammer. You haven't been here in a bit.

Mr. Hammer
I had to go where the wasn't any service.

Cool. My first day could have gone better. I'm
surprised Mr. Stark wants me back.

Mr. Green
Why wouldn't he want you back?

I passed out and had to go home early. I'm
supposed to be there to help him, yet he had
to help me.

Mr. Parent
Well, if you passed out, isn't it a good thing he helped you?

Well, yes, and I'm very grateful, but also embarrassed
that it happened on my first day.

Mrs. Parent
Honey, don't be embarrassed. Worse things
have happened in that tower.

Mr. Old
Seriously kid, are you sure you're okay?

Mr. Winter
Yeah, passing out isn't normal.

Mr. Little
Did you tell Stark about your concussion?

I'll be fine. I don't really think that I had to
say something, given that I grabbed my head and
passed out.

Ms. Binary
You really need to make it a habit of letting people know about
your medical problems before it becomes important information.

Mr. Gem
Binary is right.

Ms. Scarlet
Please take care of yourself.

Why do you all care? You're strangers, and
halfway across the world. Why do I matter?

Mr. Web
Why would you ask that?😥

Mr. Arrow
We care because you seem like a nice person.

Ms. Nat
We want you to know that someone cares.

Why? What could you do? Why do you let me
waste your time? You all work for SI. That's important.
I'm just some kid that texted a wrong number. Why do you
guys still talk to me?

Mr. Parent
Because you're important too.

I am literally nobody. I try and fail. I don't do
anything important. My day used to consist of school,
homework, and making sure three kids stayed alive. It
became my job to be their parent because none of us
had any. The lame excuse of a guardian basically made
me his slave, and told me every single day how worthless I was.
He made me see that I wasn't important. How could I still
be important? I'm nothing.

Ms. Nat

Mrs. Parent

We all look at each other after we read Delilah's last text to the group. Whatever happened in that other home she was in really did a number on her. None of us really know what we should say or do, since she thinks we're in Australia right now. She seems like she really needs someone, but she can't know who we are. I am about to say something when our phones buzz again.

I am so sorry. I didn't meant to go off like
that. I'm really sorry. I know you can't take back the
words that have been said, but I want to. I want to
take them back. I hope I didn't offend you guys. You've
been really helpful. I'm sorry.
I'll leave you guys alone. Sorry.

She thinks we hate her. She apologizes a lot, which makes me think that there has been some sort of big trauma in her life. She needs to know that no one is offended.

Mr. Parent
Delilah, no one is offended. Everyone needs to vent
sometimes. We are here for you, though. It doesn't matter
where we are, we are one text away.

Mr. Winter
Kid, are you remembering to breathe?

Mr. Old
It's okay, no one is offended.

Ms. Nat
What does your life consist of now?

School, internship, homework, sometimes sleep.

Mrs. Parent
And passing out?


Mr. Green
That seems like quite the change.

Mr. Arrow
If you ever need help with homework, we could
help. Some of us are smart.

Mr. Little
What do you mean some?

Mr. Arrow
Some of us are pretty dumb. 

Ms. Nat
You're in that mix, Arrow.

Mr. Arrow
I know, that's why I said "us"

Thanks, but it's easy. It just takes a long
time because there's so much of it.

Mrs. Binary
Well still, we're here if you ever need to talk.

Thanks. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye.


A/N: This was quite the chapter to write. I know it's short, but I wanted to make it. I would like to say that all scenarios in this story are fictional, so there is no need to worry. I don't know why anyone would worry, but just putting it out there. Nothing that I am saying is real. I would most likely put that in an author's note if I used a real life scenario. Until next time.

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