Chapter 1

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Carolina's POV
Lately this morning, I saw Dan in the bench which seem so sad. I walked towards him and asked,
" Hey! Is there something wrong?"
" No.. I'm okay.. "
" Well, you looked like your having a problem.. It's okay, you can open up to me... "
" Well actually, I'm having one. "
" Yeah? What is it? "
" Well, it seems like the girl who I loved since 5th grade, doesn't even liked me. "
" Who is that girl? How do you know that she didn't like you? "
" Well actually it's you. I think your liking Luke more than me.. "
" No! Me and Luke are the best of friends since 4th grade.. And I loved you also since 5th grade.. I am always denying because I would always think that maybe, you didn't loved me as much as I loved you.. "
" Ohhhhh, I'm so sorry.. I-I didn't think of that.. Oh my God! I'm so Sorry Carolina.. "
" No, it's alright.. "
" So, ......... I'm sorry to ask this but, since we loved each other since 5th grade, well, could we already have a Mutual Understanding? Well, it's alright if you would say no but I will still ask if you say yes or no. "
" Oh my God, well yeah! We could.. If it's alright? "
" Really?! Well, definitely!! It's alright!! Oh thank you thank you thank you!!!! "
" Your Wellcome! Dear? "
" Yeahh! Dear. "
After we have talked for a while, I saw my friends, Cezka and Sam.
Me: Heyy guys!!!
Cezka: " Hey! I think you have someone special!! Hahahahahahha! Joke! "
Sam: Yeah! Someone special like Dan?!
Cezka: " Well, your silly Sam! No one's more special than Dan! Duhhhh! Hahahaha! "
Me and Dan: You guys are silly! Really.. Hahahhaahhahahah!! "
Cezka and Sam: " Well, you really are sweet!! Hahahahahaha! "
Dan: " By the way Carolina, I have to go.. I still need to go to Sir Ryan for my missed Summative test.. See ya later Carolina, Sam, Cezka!! " *kissed on my forehead*
Me, Cezka, Sam: " Byeeee!! "
Me: " Goodluck on your Summative test, Dear!!! "
Dan went upstairs.....
Sam and Cezka: " Yieeeeeee! "
Cezka: " I think there is something you need to say to us? Ahhahahaha "
Sam: " Yeah! I think there is a sweet thing happening with you and Dan... Yieee.. "
Me: Well, Just early this morning, I saw him at the bench which seem so sad. He said that yes, he has a problem. A problem about the one he loved since 5th grade. I asked him, who is that girl. He replied that it is me, Well, I just said the truth that I also loved him since 5th grade. Then, he said to me that since we loved each other since 5th grade, he asked that maybe we could have a Mutual Understanding. The end!! Hahahahahah
Cezka: Omfg!! That's so sweeett!!!!!!
Sam: Yeahh!! They are sweeter than us!! Hahahahahha joke!!
Me: Yieee! Ehemmmm ehemmmm!! Ahhahahaha peace out Sam!
Cezka: But you really are sweet.. Harttt harttt!!!

>> So, for now that's the first chapter guys. I promise that I will update that more often!! I hope you like my story.. Well, even if you don't it's alright because i'm not that good at making stories and it's my first story anyway! But, I still hope ya like it guyss!! 💜💜💜💜<<

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