I cried, but I couldn't sleep. Dad let me stay with him as long as I cooked breakfeast and cleaned, which I was fine with.I lived with dad for a month completely falling into a deep depression. Everyones tried calling me but I just answer and hang up immedietly.
Dabi's been living with my mom, so I haven't seen him in a while, which I dont think he notices.
I looked at my phone and leaned on the kitchen counter. I cleaned the dishes and took a couple selfies posting them, but all I got were a couple hate comments and I only had a couple of followers now instead of my 1K. I sighed and scrolled threw who still followed me. Dad, Mom, Midoriya, Shoto, Mitsuki...and still Katsuki. I sighed and clicked on his profile.
My eyes widened. There were pictures posted yesterday of him with his mom. I got up and quickly left the house running to Mitsukis house.
I knocked on the door and my eyes widened. There sat Katsuki in a wheel chair with a cast on his arm.
"K-Katsuki your o-okay!" I cried hugging him.
"Ummm who are you?" He questioned. I stood up and looked at him. Mitsuki ran to the door and pushed me outside and shut the door behind her.
"Y/N...I-Im So sorry about Katsuki..." She stated. I looked down.
"So he doesn't remeber me..." I stated wiping my cheeks.
"He only remembers everything before UA....so he only remembers Izuku..." She stated. I just looked down.
"Was it my fault...that he killed himself..." I questioned looking down. That would be the only answered I needed and she gave it to me.
"According to everyone we asked...Yes..." She stated. I looked down and walked off her porch. I went back home and went inside the house. Dad was asleep in the living room with the news on. I turned off the TV and grabbed my phone. I clicked the first name I saw.
"Y/N whats up?"
"Hey Shoto...Can we hang out...?" I questioned.
"Sure. Momo's watching Kori so Im free. Just on my lunch break." He stated.
"Where you at..?"
"The Sushi place I took you too years ago." He stated. I smiled and nodded.
"I'll see you there." I stated hanging up. I left the house and walked to the Sushi place. I went inside and noticed Shoto eating some Onigiri. I smiled and sat by him.
"Hey. How are you?" I questioned.
"Im alright. How bout you?"
"I don't know anymore..." I stated covering my face.
"Oh no. Is my Nephew okay?" He questioned. I looked at him abit confused then remember Touya was a Todoroki. I nodded and continued to look at my hands.
"Are you okay?" He questioned. I looked at him slightly.
"Do you blame me also...for what Katsuki did...everyone else blames me..." I stated. He hugged me.
"I don't agree. More like your the reason he stayed around longer than he might have." Shoto stated. I smiled slightly and nodded. "Is he okay...or gone forever...?".
"Both...He's alive...with no memories of anything after middle school..." I stated. He sighed and hugged me.
"Maybe make new memories with him. Most people never get the chance to relive there relationship." He stated. I nodded and ate one of his Onigiri.
"Thanks Shoto. You should probably get going your lunch break is almost over." I stated. He looked at his phone and nodded quickly.
"Your right! Bye Y/N!" He stated getting up and paying the lady. He than ran out. I sighed and ate the last Onigiri. I got up and smiled at what Shoto said. I shall relive my relationship with Katsuki.
At Katsuki's house
I finally arrived at Katsukis house. I knocked on the door and Katsuki answered again."Its you again. I never caught your name." He stated.
"I'm Y/N L/N. Am I bothering you?" I questioned. He shook his no.
"No you aren't. My mother says you were a friend of mine. They aren't home so if you would like to come in." He stated wheeling himself out of the way. I smiled and nodded. I went inside and shut the door.
He wheeled himself to the dining room and grabbed a already filled glass of water. I looked at him.
"How long are your parents gonna be gone?"
"Just 2 days...they said they needed a stress releived weekend." He stated sipping the water.
"Oh. Do you want me to make you some lunch? I don't mind." I smiled. He nodded and laid his head back. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some Siracha Chicken Ramen. I started some boiling water in a pot and dumped the Ramen in it. I looked at Katsuki who had MY phone In his hand.
"We were...together?" He questioned looking down. I went to him and quickly took my phone.
"Yeah..." I stated looking at my wallpaper. I meant to change it but I didn't. It was a picture of Katsuki kissing my cheek while blowing up Midoriya. It was back in our second year of high school.
"Oh okay...Sorry just trynna remember some stuff." He stated scratching the bandages on his head.
"Its alright...I have more pictures of us...actually you do too....there should be some at your house..." I stated. He looked at me.
"Thanks...Your really sweet...I see why I liked you." He stated. I blushed and turned down the Ramen. I put it in a bowl and added the seasoning. I added a ton of Siracha and handed it to him.
"Here you go. You like it spicy. Right?"
"Of course." He laughed eating it. I smiled and sat down on one if the bar stools. He continued to eat and looked at me.
"Hey Y/N...What was high school like...So I can remember...or try."
"Well You got in threw the entrance exam and was a stuck up a brat." I giggled, he rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. "We did some hero training here and there. Got attacked by villains. Went to a summer camp. You got kidnapped. My dad, All Might, saved you. You always fought Midoriya. We did the hero licence things. I passed you failed and had to do a bunch of other things. Then we had the sports festival and you played the drums while I did special effects. Nothing much happened during year 2 and 3. Then we graduated and moved in together."
"Sounds fun. I think I remember little parts of school now. Thank you." He stated. I nodded and smiled. I looked at him and got close to his face. He looked at me.
"You have siracha on your face." I stated wiping it. He looked at me and set the bowl down. I looked at him slightly.
He grabbed my face with his non broken arm and kissed me. My eyes widened as I ran my fingers threw his hair. I closed my eyes and kissed him more deeply. I pulled away and blushed. He smiled slightly and continued to eat. I smiled happily.

💥pretty bomb💥 {Katsuki Bakugou x Reader}
Fanfiction(Completed!) {Written on April 18th, 2020} {Might have grammatical issues} (Y/N) is a beautiful girl who grew up by All Might's side. She could control water and with really strong. All might was yes her father and her mother passed during (Y/N)'s b...