Chapter 2

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Notch's POV

"Herobrine,why did you leave?I know things have been rough for you,I could've helped you,me and Steve could've helped you." I said as I held a photo of me and Herobrine when we were kids.

"Herobrine is an ignorant buffoon" said Steve.

"I know Steve that is why I'm worried about him,he might cause trouble at the world of humans.You know he's short tempered." I exclaimed then I put the photo in my pocket.

Steve walked up to ad he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hopefully he doesn't,if he does not come back here after three days we will go when he went and we will make him come back here.If he caused trouble at the world of humans,we will fix it and erase their memories about Herobrine.

I nodded and smiled.I hope my brother is doing well and not causing trouble.

"Now about the new ruler of the End.The spy I sent said the Queen was an Enderdragon,she cast a spell to make her look like a normal girl."

"Another ruler,pretty sure she's evil because almost all the rulers of the End are evil and ambitious." I exclaimed then I went out for some fresh air.


Yesterday was a very horrific today.Herobrine is real and he's here in my apartment.I think I'm schizophrenic.But anyway,I reached Herobrine how to act like a normal person.

Today we're going to the mall to do some grocery shopping.Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid,I he does i will frickin break his face.I made him wear shades since his eyes are our white and glowy.

We entered the grocery store.I took a big cart and we strolled around the store.I bought a lot of food so that we don't have to come back here again and Herobrine for me to buy 3 boxes of chocolate ice cream.Why? Beacuse he took a few sample of choco ice cream and he love for.I had to explain a lot of things which is annoying.

After grocery shopping,we went to KFC to eat lunch.Herobrine almost burned the whole place down beacuse they got his order wrong.

We walked back to my apartment since it was close to the mall.I was exhausted by Herobrine was still full of energy and curiosity.

"May I ask you a question?"


"Why did you come here?"

After two minutes he answered my question "reasons."

That's all he said reasons but what kind of reasons?As much as I want to know these reasons I didn't bother asking he might get mad or something.

During dinner,it was very quite,none of us thought to break thw silence.After dinner I went to my room beacuse I was scared,Herobrine might to something bad to me.

I was left alone running through my thoughts.

Endora's POV

I sent my minions to Euphrenia to get the energy of the people who lives there.

Once I get enough energy I can finally attack the kingdom of Minecraft is,I will make my mother and ancestors proud of me.I will be the first ruler of the End who will successfully kill the Gods of Minecraft.

After I kill the Gods I will invade the world of humans,I will try the whole world and no one can stop me.

I laughed and laughed,imagining to ge Gods suffering on my hands is hilarious,their pain is my happiness.

End of chapter 2

Yey update x333
I went to progress the story quickly but I kinda want to add some fluff so might do it in chapter 4 or 5

Anyway I hope you like my story
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I hope you have a wonderful day and stay hydrated~!

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