Welcome to the StarDazzle Community.
Hello, Star!🌟
Yes, you! I'm talking to you.
You're not one of those cosmic balls floating in the sky, no! You're a star right here on earth, wherever you are.
You're a star whose potential is yet to be unlocked and rewarded. You've come to the right place to have your story discovered and promoted by these amazing people unstablebibliophileand VictorySneakers.
This page started off as the home to the Star Dazzle Awards. Now we have decided to extend our hands to the other wonderful writers, graphic designers and reviewers on this app.
Joining this community will:
•Icrease discovery of your works.
•Introduce you to resources which will improve your writing.
•Provide a forum for new friendships.
•Provide a platform for showcasing of your skills.
Star Dazzle Community✨ [HIRING]
Non-FictionWELCOME TO THE STAR DAZZLE COMMUNITY!!✨ What started out as two friends creating an awards to showcase and glorify undiscovered talents has now expanded into a community where everyone can participate and be able to lend to the cause of promoting ou...