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 “Define good” she says.

“You’re a very clever girl.” I replied to her


I’ve been leaving in the same place my whole life and its getting kind of boring. Nothing new ever happens, same town, same people, same places and my same old day to day routine.

When will it change?

“As I was saying we have a new student here, all of you be nice.” Mrs. Manson announced and I’m not paying attention again. Okay a new transferee. “You can sit over there dear.” Mrs. Manson says with a smile while pointing to the chair in front of me.

“You’re from Nightingale City; I’ve heard people there have the ability to kill people”. Patricia manages to spat out. “Also I’ve heard they like only wear black clothing”. And her minion Ashley also gives a comment.

“Actually darling I’m from Usha City, and the things you two are talking about aren’t true so don’t talk unless you really know it”. The new girl answers back and everyone cheered. This girl has some sass inside her. “Okay class, enough of that.” Mrs. Manson manages to control our class.

The whole day went like a blur except when 4th period came which is Literature and were studying mythology now. “I assume you people read The Creation of the Greek mythology” Mr. Allison says“Um.. sir, My mother told me not to read this” Patricia points out. “And why is that Ms. Hendricks?” Mr. Allison “It is not true, we all know that god created everything” Patricia reasons out. “My Aunt and Mother says that as well, I think we should not talk about this” Ashley points.

Seriously, did they just said that? Were in school so I think that’s not right then the new girl raises her hand. “Yes? Ms…” Mr. Allison checks his clip board “Ms. Crichton, the new girl” Mr. Allison ended up saying. “Pardon but for the people complaining about the topic stepping on their religious beliefs well that’s a big lie, because One this is a institution of learning and his the authority and he told you to read about THE CREATION OF THE GREEAK MYTHOLOGY you should read or you won’t pass Second you’re beliefs aren’t being erase or remove from you, that’s for you to decide and Lastly stop complaining this is High School wait until you enter college”. The new girl lectures.

“Ms. Crichton has a point and thank you young lady” Mr. Allison.

The two dolls didn’t say anything after what the new girl said but they look aggravated when they got lectured. So 4th period went smoothly after that the new kid seems to know a lot about the topic, she impressed Mr. Allison also me. I’m still wondering what her name is.

Lunch, the bell rings. Every living creature crawls out their hole and hunts for food. I’m looking around the cafeteria and looking for her whom I cannot manage to find, where the heck is that girl hiding?

“That new girl is annoying” Patricia

“I know, she thinks she’s all that just because she came from the city” Ashley

I overheard the two dolls talking while they pass behind me and I assume they are gossiping about the new girl. This is annoying; I’m just going to head to the rooftop. Now I’m here and no one is here. I’m not shock at all but today I see someone, a girl reading and it’s her.

I approach her, “Hey” I first say. She stares at me “Hello” she answers back. “I’m Luke” I extended my hand for a hand shake “I’m Alli” she shakes my hand. “Is that book your reading any good?” I suddenly ask “Define good” she says. “You’re a very clever girl.” I replied to her and she ends up smiling.

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