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After that day the month of November flew by so fast and also the first one and half week of December. Now it’s Christmas Break

Alli ask me to help decorate her house, finally I can enter her house and I’m ready to meet her family. I wonder what they’re like (this weirdo starts imagining)

Now I’m ready to knock, I wonder if her moms going to answer. I push the doorbell and the person who opens the door is Alli’s… Alli

“Hey” she greets. And I stand here like a motionless slug. “You look upset, what’s going on?” she ask
“I thought your mom will answer the door” I say very disappointed
“Come in and didn’t I tell you?” she says while shutting the door behind me
“Tell me what?” I ask
“My mom is not here, she’s mostly out of the country or if she’s here. She’s at her house” she explains
“Her house?”
“Oh, her house with her new husband and kids” she bluntly says

I reacted to it in a  mature manner

“What? What? What about you? Your alone here, no one protecting you” I blurt out
“it’s fine, I have my guardian here so I’m okay. Besides I’m okay with it” she says with a smile

Without thinking I hug her

“I’m fine, now let’s decorating” she says

We did decorate her whole house. Her choice of colors silver, white and bluish green. Like her furniture. And I notice that most of the decorations inside the house have a connection to the sea. Maybe her dad is really in the navy

And were finish decorating

“Alli, Is your dad in the navy?” I’m really curios
“Not really but sort of. Let’s just say that he spends a lot of his time in the water” she says
“Okay, what about your mom?” now we’re sitting on the couch
“Well my mother is a diplomat so she travels a lot, when she’s here she’s with her family. She only see’s me when it’s my birthday. She just sends gifts on Christmas. And you will wonder why I’m not part of FAMILY because I don’t want too and my dad and mom didn’t get married. My mom had me when she already graduated in college. And that’s also the reason why I can’t stay with them and why I move “she says

I never realize that her family background is like these. That’s why she seemed so happy when my family talked to her. I see a tear falling from her cheeks

“Hey, you’re a strong girl” I say to cheer her up. She smiles at me while holding back her tears.

I hold her face in front of mine and I intend to kiss her but the door bells buzzes. She instantly dodge me went straight to the door.

Then I see a monster standing at the door when Alli saw it she immediately snaps one of her bracelet and it turns into a bronze sword. She attacks the monster, she lashes her sword like she knows what she’s doing and she stabs the monster in the stomach and in turned into black dust

“What was that?” I ask in confusion
“You saw that?” she’s in shock but not in the state of shock I’m in right now
“How could someone miss that”
“I can explain” she says
“You better do”

I sit back down again
“Okay, as I said my dad spends his time in the water. My father is Poseidon the Greek God of the Sea. And I’m a demigod”

Is she crazy? I’m dreaming!!

“And what was that thing?” I ask
“A fury”
“Let me get these straight, your father is one of the Gods we were talking about in mythology, you’re a demigod and that was a fury” I repeat while I pass out on the sofa

When I wake up, were in the different room. I assume its Alli’s room

“Are you okay?” she ask me with worry in her eyes
“I’m fine, those info was just a lot to take in” I say holding my head
“So, what else can you do?” I ask

She didn’t say anything, she just wade the water in the aquarium rise up like waves

“I can do that too” she says
“You think I’m a freak now” she adds while hiding her face

“Do you really think I’m that guy?” I ask
“No” she answers quickly

She gets near the bed (she lay me down to rest on her bed)

“Listen to me” I say while brushing of the hair out of her face
“You’re not a freak, you’re a wonderful girl with a lot of secrets which I will unravel…
little…(I kiss her forehead) by…. (I kiss her nose) little” I kiss her lips

At first I was just thinking to just give her a peck on the lips but when my lips meet hers I could leave. I first waited for her reaction before I move and then she kissed me back.

That just blows my mind, Alli is responding to my kisses

We both catch our breath after we separated and her face is tomato red

“Idiot Pervert” she tells me
“One more?” I ask with a smirk
“You called me a pervert demigod, I’m just proving it”

I’m leaning on her, our faces inches away from each other

“Perverted Mortal….. fine” she finally says
“You’re just one clever girl aren’t you?” I say with a smile on my face and then I kiss her again

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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