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It’s been weeks since Alli transferred and I still work myself up the
I’m your friend and you can trust me ladder

Also Patricia started the rumor that Alli doesn’t believe in god just because she knows a lot in Mythology and her minion Ashley believes it. I really do think they need to see someone for a lot of reasons

Now I caught Alli under the trees in the school garden. Guess what she’s reading again and I think it’s the 8th book I caught her reading. Men this girl is silent
not to be rude or anything but I walk up to her

“Hey” I casually say
“Hey there yourself” she greets back
“You still won’t accept my invite?” I’m really wondering
“I depend” she just says

Oh I give up maybe I’m not just meant to get to know her. She’s that type of girl that only gives little info about her. I will just sit here and listen to The Beatles. When I’m shuffling to my playlist, Alli suddenly grabs my phone

“You listen to The Beatles?” she ask with her face lighten up
“Yes, I’m a big fan” I’m embarrass to say
“Really? Me too, I love The Beatles. I think they’re just awesome also Greenday, Aba, The Rolling Stones…” she mentions with full glee but immediately stops when she sees me smiling at her. “I’m sorry, I should stop” she apologies while blushing
“its okay, you’re so cute when you get excited about something. I have vinyl of their albums” I proudly say. “Can I see them?” she ask with her big eyes widen up with excitement. And without doubt I agree.

Remember I said earlier that I’M GOING TO GIVE UP well it was a lie. I’m still in this

Now were in my car driving to my house and I notice she has a tattoo? Is that a tattoo of an anchor? How old is she?.
“Um.. Alli, how old are you?”
“15 turning 16, why?” then she looks at me

Damn those green eyes of her, they sparkle. It really matches her long black hair. When you look at her I think her eyes really the first thing you’ll notice next her pink lips, also you’ll notice she’s fair skinned, she’s not that pale type. She doesn’t wear make-up, naturally beautiful, she’s not too tall or too short and absolutely a book worm.

“Were here” I stop the car in front of the green gate and I need to punch in the code so the gate opens. She stares at me and I think it’s going to burn a whole straight through my face

“Who are you?” she ask with a hint of annoyance in her tone
“Luke” I replied
“Luke what?”
“Luke Williams Carter” I say nervously
“You’re a Carter? And that information you didn’t tell me?”

Fuck! She’s angry I know that tone, that’s the tone my sister uses when I eat her cereal

“I thought you already knew and also I think it’s not a big deal” I really do hope I can get out of this one
“Not a big deal? Dude! I’m a transferee, I just been here for 3 weeks. I don’t want trouble” she says hysterically
“Trouble? I don’t mean no harm” I say
“You don’t mean no harm, but those annoying hydras in school do. What do you think they would do to me if they find out that you, Luke Williams Carter the son of the mayor invited me to his house wait pause I mean Mansion?!” she explains with a lot of hand gestures

Before I could react to her, my sister Caroline pops out of know where.
“Luke!!” Caroline shouts.
This startles me “Ah! Why did you do that?”
“Look dork, mother is wondering why aren’t you leaving your precious truck…” then she notices Alli. “..Well Hello! I’m Caroline, and you are?” Caroline opens the passenger seat door, inviting Alli to go out which she followed.

“I’m Alli” she answer back with a smile
“Aren’t you very beautiful, where’s your manners Luke not introducing her to me” Caroline says while walking with Alli straight to the door and before she opens the door she says something “Park your car properly” Caroline says with a wink then she shuts the door behind them.

What? I invited her and Caroline gets to chat with her and get close. I knew it my sister is a witch. That evil creature
After I park my truck, I went straight to the living room just to see Caroline, my mom and dad laughing and Alli just sitting there. I really can’t see what her face looks like right now because she’s facing away and then I did this

“What the heck are you people doing to her? How could? Of all people, I expected good behavior from all of you. Especially you mother..” I pointed out
“I beg your pardon?” my mother ask
“You, laughing at this innocent little lamb who knows nothing about the barbaric world” I said heroically.

“Luke, what are you talking about?” Alli ask me with confusion
“I’m just protecting you from these vicious wolves” I point to my family
“Wolves? Lamb?” Caroline says while chuckling
“My, our son surely likes Alli” my dad says with a cheeky smile
“Who are you calling VICIOUS?” my mother ask
“Alli, aren’t they laughing at you?” I ask her
“Well, their laughing at what I said” she says
“Really? Well all of you are spared” I say

My mother grabs my ear. “Ouch!” I, being manly in pain
“Know your manners!” my mom says to my ear
“I know mom, I was just having a moment” I protested
“A moment of what actually?” my dad ask
“A moment of heroism” I say while my face turns red

All of them laugh and I might add in sequence. Can this night get more humiliating?

After they laugh at me, we went to the dining table to eat dinner and my sister, my mother and my father shared embarrassing stories about me when I was a kid and yesterday. What a great way to impress the girl I like. And every time I glance at her while were eating, she’s laughing and I never seen her laugh before.

“You jump off the roof?” she asks
“Well, it was a good idea at that time” I explain, this is really humiliating
“Actually, I have a picture of him wearing the Super Man costume, here” my dad gets his wallet out and shows Alli my mortifying picture. She just smiles
which gave me the sigh of relief and sill hoping that this girl doesn’t think I’m a total loser

At last I survive the dinner with 50% of my dignity still intact, thanks to my family. You wouldn’t even believe my dad is the mayor when he behaves like a clown when the family is around or a person his comfortable with is around.

“Were going upstairs mom” I say so she could permit me
“Okay, honey. You two have fun with the record player” my mom says

Now were in my room and Alli heads straight to my vinyl collection. Her face really lights up. She gets the The Beatles record and played it but then she notices my book shelf in the corner and she runs to it.

“I didn’t know you read” she says
“I’ll take that as a compliment”
“I thought you’re a jock, the athlete. Mr. Hero of the school” she taunts
“Well aren’t we judgmental. Yeah, I’m an athlete but I also like reading and music not just like I love it” I say while looking down, I never told anyone this. I hear her foot steps

Then she holds my face up facing her
“I love it too” she says with a smile
“Can you sing?” she ask
“Unfortunately Music doesn’t love me, not gifted at the singing part and also the playing the instrument part” I tell her

She’s still holding my face, her warm, gentle and soft hands holding my face. I lean in for a kiss but she covers my lips with her left hand and shakes her head
“Not yet” she whispers
I understand, I can wait

I just kiss her palm, the one covering my lips

The next thing she did, I didn’t expect she kisses me on the cheek. After that I just hold the spot where she kissed me (my right cheek) I just look at her. Her face is already turning bright red

“Say something” she says
“You’re a very clever girl” I say

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