Author's Note

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Hey guys! Since I've been quiet for awhile I felt like I should post a note about what's been going on. My writing motivation has been horrible lately along with motivation for every other hobby I do. I've been focusing a lot of my physical health due to the pandemic and I felt like it was a good time to try and lose some weight (and I've lost almost 20 pounds which is good). But during that process I was hyper focused on losing weight to the point that my motivation for everything else was gone, and over the last 3 weeks I've gotten so burned out to where I can't find the motivation to exercise. Even watching TV feels like a chore. I'm trying to work on all of this but it will take time for me to get back to it.

More importantly,
I'm unaware of my health status in regards to Covid-19. My parents haven't been taking proper precautions along with other family members and we may have been exposed via my oldest brother. We are waiting for his test result and if it comes back positive then my parents and I will need to get tested (since they went to his house and even though I didn't— I'm around my parents so I'd have it too). Symptom wise the only thing I'm concerned about is pressure in my chest. For the past couple days its been very minor and dull, but it could be due to anxiety even though I don't typically get aches from my anxiety like some people. So I just need to wait and see what happens with my brother as well as monitor my own body and then take the next steps from there if steps need to be taken.

I hope all of you are doing well physically and mentally during this pandemic. If you're like me and are in an area with very high cases then please wear a mask and be safe. Do this even if there's not a lot of cases where you are at because it can change if people aren't careful. I'll try and update you guys on what's going on soon. I love you all!
— Lily <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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