Horse Girl

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"Oh, you like horses?"
"That's so lame."
"They're stupid animals."
"Such a typical white girl."

Excuse me while I take a moment
To explain why you are wrong.
For the ringing of a horse's neigh,
Is the echo of my soul's song.

I am not just a horse girl.
I am much more.
You don't get to judge me
Because an animal can open my heart's door.

Horses are my therapy.
They have kept me alive.
They love me and trust me
And listen, never judging.

A horse is an echo
Of who we are inside.
Those who don't like what they see,
Don't like themselves.

When I look into a horse's eyes,
I see my soul reflected back.
Sometimes it scares me,
But mostly, it encourages me.

To try harder.
To do better.
To have patience.
To love freely.

So forgive me when I say,
I prefer a horse to your company.
Horses will not judge me.
Horses calm me down.

Horses never frown at me
Or tell me I'm an ugly clown.
So yes, I'm a horse girl.
Call me what you like.

But please just remember,
That a horse can see inside.
And before you decide
That I'm as basic as can be,

Take a look and see
What horses have done for me.

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