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Previously on The URBAN WOLF.
Good morning class my name is Miss Flemings.
What are you doing here, Mom what is he doing here," said Martin in a thunder voice.

{ Saturday Morning , Martin was in a white T-shirt , a white jeans pants and a black shoes. Jaun is in a pull over red and black stripe hoodie , a red pants and a black sneakers }.

Hey jaun what are you doing?.
What am l doing, that's the point l'm not doing anything, anyways are you going to Kelsi party?.
No, I didn't get invited.
Seriously, you didn't get invited?.
No, we weren't even friend's.
She did like you.
How do you know?.
She told me.
Three months ago.
So why didn't she invited me?.
Do you like her Martin?.
I don't know.
Well, l'm going and I bought her a puppet.
Seriously, a puppet, what about a teddy bear?.
I'm just cheap.

{ at Kelsi party in the night, she is in a long floral dress and a glass slippers, jaun was in a green shirt, black pants and his black sneakers. Michael was in straight black }.

Hey jaun where is Martin?.

You didn't invited him.

Yes I did, he was the first one I write to.

Well he didn't receive one though, here's your present.

Thank you.

"Are you Martin Louis?" said Michael.

"Yes,"said jaun pretending to be Martin. "what's your problem"?

I want you to leave Kelsi alone, I'm her boyfriend.

Okay Michael what ever you say.

You better soak this in.

{ At Martin home, he saw in the bin a crushed up paper, he pulled it and it was his invitation form Kelsi party. His father was in a grey jacket suit }.

What's this, it's an invitation , how did this reached here?

Because I put it there.

Dad, why did you do this ?.

Martin I'm the man of the house so I make all the decision here.

This doesn't concern you, it's my invitation not yours, I hate you.
Martin get back here right know, boy I'm talking to you.
Get away and leave me alone.
Listen Martin, I'm just trying to be a good father, I know you hate me , look ,I'm sorry .

{ Sunday morning, Martin was in a yellow shirt , creamed shorts , red slippers and a sham bala on his right hand }.

Martin, you wanna go to the bike show later?.
What about bird hunting?.
No, I'm not going anywhere with you, you might kill me.
That's not true.
Martin just go Eric, it might be fun.
Mom, no.
Please, I know it's tuff on you but forget the past and let it go.
Alright, but where going to bird hunting.
Lets go.

{ Over by Kelsi home she and her best friend chisel talked about Martin. Kelsi was in a joggers , white t shirt and no shoes, her friend was in something similar }.

"I don't like Michael anymore," said Kelsi
Because I like someone else.
I can't tell you.
Why not?.
I don't know.
Well are you going to break up with Michael?.
Yes tomorrow, and I think I'm gonna tell my secret lover about my feelings for him.
Yeah, do you think that I should write a note or talk face to face?.
I have to know who is that secret boy first.
His name starts with M.
No way! Michael.
Chisel ! , really know.
Oh, I forgot you don't like him anymore, Marcos, no I like him.
You like Marcos.
Yes, I think he's romantic and sweet, he's Italian you know.
Anyways I'm crazy over him.
Who could that be.
You'll know soon.

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