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Previously on The URBAN WOLF.
No! No! No! Eric, it can't be.
Martin come with your things. What is it?. "Your father is dead, I'm sorry,"said the teacher.

In this chapter there will be no Martin and friends. This chapter is based on Vishnu Return.

{ Friday night at the old vet house that was burned down, were two alphas Bishop and Vanzetti. Bishop head is bawled, with a fat face, he is in a black shirt , black pants, black shoes with a leather jacket. Vanzetti is thick and tall with red hair, his face is slim with a birth mark on his right cheek }.

"You killed him Bishop?" Asked Vanzetti with a grind on his face.

Sure thing it was too easy, here, his body.
You know who's next on our list Bishop?.
You mean the guy who was born with the werewolf?.
That's him.

{ at Damian home, Vanzetti and Bishop attacks him }.
In the air was Bishop with his claws pointed out of his fingers coming down with a heavy slam. Damian rolled on his left but Vanzetti clawed him in his chest, he fell on the ground with his blue eyes wide open and fang down. Vanzetti threw the table after him, Damian had the strength to get up and ran through the window.

"He got away!!" Shouted Bishop with an angry and rough voice as he changed back into a human.

After Damian escapes through the window he went to one of the few persons he trust in the world, his sister Christina. Damian hair is black and curly, he is in a white t shirt and a black pants and a black sneakers. Christina is in leather only }.

So they attacked you two of them, and why?.
I don't know, but they were alphas, and one of them has a birth mark on his right cheek.
" All I know is whatever they attack you for they will be coming again".
So what must I do in the mean time?

Well, for now, stay here until everything is cool down.

{ Saturday Morning in the eastern woods there was Align Summers and his team a great man who is known for hunting werewolf. He is in a brown striped shirt , brown U.S. jacket , brown pants and a brown shoes }.

"Men set traps all around this forest, were going to get our selves a were wolf," said Align hoping to catch one.
Boss take a look at this?
Is this blood, men follow the blood line, where is this leading us to.

[ they were standing on a cliff looking over ].

" WEREWOLF lets go !," said Align shouting.
Its dead Boss, what will we do ?.
Take it to our franchise,"said Align looking around with fear.

{ it is Mid day when Victoria was trying to find out who is Vishnu and its called. Victoria is in a white blouse and a mini black jacket covering it, and a black tights and no shoes because she's half transformed. Meaning that she's half werewolf and half human }.

" Get me someone who can tell me about this Vishnu wolf,"said Victoria.
"This lady said that she knows alot about Vishnu,"said Victoria's slave.
And you are?.
I'm Adele a forecaster wolf.
So start talking.
It's not like that, what will I get in reward?.
What do you want?.
Just a simple task, give me the Safaris.
What for you don't have the gates, do you?.
No, but I know someone who has it.
Okay you'll have whatever you want, just talk.

(FLASH BACK) long time ago when VISHNU use to walk the woods everybody ,meaning that wolves had to cleared the forest because this wolf was titled the most dangerous wolf besides The URBAN WOLF. Another name for Vishnu was fear or the disaster, you could know when this wolf arrives, you'll see alot of mist and calm place. This wolf was grey with red eyes, but known for fear there was one man who saw Vishnu as a little wolf, Vladikavkaz, The URBAN WOLF. VISHNU tried to blow the Urban Wolf with one gust but there was no effect because the Urban Wolf is too strong. With the roars of THE URBAN WOLF, lock away Vishnu in a place where know one knows where she is.

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