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You know who's next on our list Bishop?.
What do you want from me?.
"Just a simple thing, form a pack for me," said Vishnu with a loud voice.

{ Friday night Kelsi and her friend Chisel sat in there KIA car waiting for the lights to go green and was talking. Kelsi is in a pink fluffy sweater , a pink pants and a black sneakers. Chisel is in a yellow bandana , a long dress }.

" so what you and Martin going on with"? said Chisel looking at her and smiling.
What do you mean exactly?.
I mean , you guys have sex yet?.
Why not?.
Were not ready.
How do you know he's not ready?.
Why are you asking me these questions?.
Meanwhile they were talking something sprint across the front of there car a hit the lights , they were screaming like they couldn't stop. They are alone on the lonely road this night.
" What the hell just happened," said Kelsi in a low voice.
" Did you see anything?"said Chisel as she tried to start the car.
No but it was fast.
The car is not starting, come on.
"Hello ladies, you okay?" said Damian.

"No were not okay, something ran across the front of the car and smashed my lights and know the stupid car won't start," Chisel replies in a scared voice.
Just calm down , I'll lead the way with my headlights how that sounds?.
You are not listening to me, the car won't start , what part in that you don't get.
Can I give you a ride home then?.
" sure, no problem," said Kelsi looking frightened.

{ same night at Martin home }. 

"So Martin what do you wanna do tonight?".

What was that, it has to be a dog because werewolves are not in Benitez.

Jaun, dogs don't howl that loud, and by the way it's  coming from the woods.

Oh my god!, it couldn't be possible.

Martin you say that can't be possible, suppose it's not exactly a were wolf, you know what I mean.

Jaun what are you talking about , stories about werewolves are myths, legends and gossips.Know way it's possible for men turning in wolves under a full moon.

Martin look out side the window what's with the moon, a full moon , all does story , myths and legend could  really be true.

{ at Kelsi home }.

"Hey Kelsi , how comes you never tell me you have a new boyfriend" said Kelsi mom's smiling away. What's his name?.

Martin Louis and he's sweet.

So when I get to meet him, what about tomorrow at dinner, invite him.

"Who's your boyfriend,"said Kelsi dad with his serious face.

Martin Louis.

His he a player?.

No, he's a nice guy.

Anyways were going to meet him at dinner tomorrow.

{ at school in the morning }

"So Martin did you look up about werewolves?"

Yeah, most werewolves are in the cold countries like Alaska, Iceland and more but like our town Benitez which is hot , werewolves would never think to come here.

That's true Martin but what did we heard last night, l'm sure to god it was a wolf.

"Hey guys,"said Kelsi


Martin my parents would like to meet you at dinner tonight.

" Okay,"said martin starting to be nervous.

Martin what's going on over there?.

I don't know let's go look.

There's my dad, dad what happened here?.

Listen, jaun it's not your business.

I think it's my business,  because this incident happened at our school.

I don't have alot of information , anyways she is a teacher, her name is I think Miss Flemings. She was here last night do some paper work, when she was attacked by someone.


We don't know yet Martin , I have to go know.

This all makes sense know.

Jaun what is it?

That howling we heard last night could be a werewolf and that wolf killed the teacher. You know what I researched on werewolves are that when they killed there victim they howl or when they are calling others.

Others, who's the others jaun?.

"Other werewolves," jaun said staring outer space.

{ in the night at Kelsi home } 

So your Martin Louis?

Yes Mrs summers.

"Let's sit around the dinner table,"said Mr summers.

I heard that your on the ice hockey team, so you play defense?

No, I play center forward.

Your like the captain?


You take shots for the team?


You ever score?.

Our season will be starting next month.

Dad stop asking so many questions.

{ jaun is in the woods }

I'm gonna prove Martin that there's actually a wolf out here.
Jaun was walking until he saw a strange house upon the hill with no lights.
"What are you doing here?"said Damian looking serious.

Oh, me don't mine me I'm just walking through the woods, alone, without Martin, mein l'm scared.

What you said?

Nothing, l'm going.
Jaun was walking and looking back.

{  Friday morning  in science class }

Good morning class, I'm your new science teacher Miss Rooney. As time goes on we'll know each other.

"Look who's back, Michael Spencer,"said Martin.

Where was he?

{ Damian place }

"Some kind of werewolf is killing off people, and very fast,"said Damian with an angry voice.

What can we do?.

I'm gonna stop this monster Christina, tonight.

I hope this work Damian.

It will work.


It's here , time for war," said Damian as they jumped off the wall and transformed in wolves.
"Who are you,"said Damian. But no time to talk the other wolf rushed off with a massive speed and held the both of them by there necks. This werewolf is different, his eyes are brightly fire red, skin shiny black, claws were like black iron, fangs came out of his mouth and 6 and a half feet tall. He pushed them through the wall and Damian got up and swinged  his harms , but he's too slow for this wolf. The wolf slashed him across his chest giving him a knock out. Christina tried the same as Damian but failed. It then looked up in the sky and started to howl, you can hear more than one voice in that howl, it was the loudest howl Christina had ever heard.


             TUNE IN AGAIN

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