Sora's Secrets Part 1

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3rd POV

What was supposed to be a fun battle, turned incredibly dangerous.  Sora vs Shun.  The most interesting parts was the weird stuff Sora and Shun were saying.  Shun going on about his home being destroyed by Fusion Summoners and Sora saying how he enjoys hunting Xyz Summoners like Shun down.  At the end, Sora passed out.

Now everyone from You Show and Gong were outside of Sora's room in the Leo Institute medical facility.

Yuzu: Poor Sora.

Shūzo: He's gonna be okay. If you're going to need fixing, this is the place you want to be.

Allie: I know-- It was so scary. After all, it's not everyday someone gets injured in a duel for real.

Yuya: And it's all Shun's fault.

It was dark now and everyone was outside.

Shūzo: Yoko and I ought to get the younger kids home.

Zander: I'm also gonna head home.

After Shūzo, Yoko, Zander, and the kids left, Gong, Yuya, Zackary, and Yuzu, started to talk about what has been happening lately.

Yuya: So what's your take?

Yuzu: Huh?

Yuya: On Shun taking down the Leo Institute and then dueling for them? It's like he did a total 180 and nobody batted an eye. So weird.

Yuzu: I know. I wish I knew what was going on. First, Julia hunts Shun down to take him out, and then she's cool with him. Those two being teammates doesn't add up at all.

Gong: That's crazy. And Gong don't like crazy.

Yuzu: Yeah, and that's not even the half of it. Shun's friends Yuto and Matthew told me something even crazier.

*Yuzu Flashback*

Yuto: We have enemies, Yuzu. And a friend of ours was taken by them.

Matthew: Us and our colleague will stop at nothing to get her back.

*End of Flashback*

Zackary: How does attacking a duel school have anything to do with getting a friend back.

Yuzu: I don't know, but they were dead serious.

Gong: This is like s giant jigsaw puzzle, but we're missin' pieces! And Gong don't like missin' pieces. When Gong gets stuck, Gong likes to take a step back.  So what are the facts?

Yuya: For one, this Yuto guy looks like me.

Zackary: And Matthew looks like me.

Yuya: And whenever we show up, your bracelet glows and they vanish.

Gong: Say what? Oh!

Yuzu: It's true-- For whatever reason, whenever this thing turns on, they always take off. Yuya and Zackary are right. Yuya and Yuto have a resemblance that's absolutely uncanny, and that goes for Zackary and Matthew too.

Gong: So Yuya and Zackary have twin look-alikes that can do magic tricks?

Zackary: What else is there? What else do we know that can fill the missing pieces?

Yuzu: Well, maybe it's nothing but Yuto did say something else to me.

Gong: Nothing can be something! So go on and tell us what he said.

*In Sora's Room*

Yuto and Matthew arrive to where Sora is resting and enter.  They walk over to Sora's bed and stand over him.

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