Zackary Updated Bio

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Zackary Mutou

Age: 14
H/c: Blue with Yellow tips
E/c: Blue
S/c: Black
Outfit: (The jacket and pants swap colors, no millennium puzzle, and the shirt is cherry red)

Age: 14H/c: Blue with Yellow tipsE/c: BlueS/c: BlackOutfit: (The jacket and pants swap colors, no millennium puzzle, and the shirt is cherry red)

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(In place of the millennium puzzle is this key which he got from Matthew)

Deck: Mix between Yami Yugi(Neo) and Yugi Muto's Alternative Deck(Reason because when he merged with Matthew his deck changed too so he can get Utopia out faster)

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Deck: Mix between Yami Yugi(Neo) and Yugi Muto's Alternative Deck(Reason because when he merged with Matthew his deck changed too so he can get Utopia out faster)

Pendulum Cards: Same one's he had before.

Cards gained by Matthew:
Utopia Xyz and Utopia Xyz Beyond

Ace Monster: Dark Pendulum Magician
Secondary Monster: Number 39: Utopia Xyz

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