Chapter 2

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"Booooys!" James opened the last room's curtain in the back of the bus. Kensi and I just chuckled at each other.

"It's gonna be a long holidays." Kensi whispered.

"Touche." I smirked.

"I'm gonna go first with Anthony. Please make sure these two girls are welcomed to the house. Come on." James stood by the curtain side.

I guess nobody was moving, because we didn't hear any answer. There's just Toby winked at us when he went up to the bathroom, then of course, locked himself.

"My Loooord...anybody home?" James shouted louder.

"Sheesh dude, we're so close to win!" I heard Riley's voice. "Aaaargh!"

"Anthoneeeeeeeeeeeh!" James knocked the wall.

"A second Jamie, a second. Dang it." I guess that's Anthony's voice.

Finally James gave up on the guys. Yeah, as you can see, James' more likely a road manager, sometimes a bodyguard, but he's also a full-time Dad. It's hard to keep these dorks on track.

"I'm sorry guys, they're just..." James threw himself on the couch.

"Don't mind it. We're fine." Kensi laughed.

"I hope you'll like it here though. This is what we got. Actually, we'll be not spending our time in the bus. We'll stop by at hotel in every city around UK and Europe." He tried to brief us some small details.

"I see." I nodded. "Anything, we're fine."

"You two are just amazing, you know that? Can't wait to have a full meeting to describe our own jobs on tour." James hugged us both.

"Wow, so do we." Kensi and I said in unison.

"Alright. Wish me luck. Anthony is a dork sometimes. No. Most of time." James rolled his eyes.

"Uh ha, good luck." I whispered.

"Anthony, I swear for God's sake we gotta leave." James opened the curtain again. "Or..."

"Wow okay okay. Let's go." We saw Anthony put on his cardigan and walked with James to the front.

"Oh by the way, this is Denize, and Kensi." James stopped to introduce us.

"I know. Hi girls, welcome to the club!" He kissed hello.

"Hey. Thanks." I replied his hug.

"James, hold up!" Suddenly Riley showed from the back, and followed James and Anthony outside.

Kensi and I awkwardly sit here because James said we gotta wait for him to come back. He insisted to drive us home with our car. As much as we denied, James said no. So that's it. Kensi played with her phone and so did I.

"Girls, changing plan. Riley will drive you home. See you later!"

James...jeez, he's the James. These people really liked to leave us breathless. How will it be with Riley? I seriously wasn't ready to meet him again right now. Simply because my heart hasn't stopped beaten fast.

"Who got the key?" Riley came up back and asked.

"Here." I tossed him. Calm, be calm.

"Come on." Riley caught it. "Guys, I'll be back!"

"Take care!" Connor shouted without appearing himself.

Kensi walked first outside. And wow, you will just love my girl so much. She amazingly left me by sitting on the back seat. She occupied the whole seat and I completely knew what she meant by that. Wonderful.

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