Chapter 16

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"That's definitely something..."  I smirked to Kensi.

"Worth the shot."  She nodded.

"Three...two..."  I counted.


"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!!!"  Kensi and I shocked these two love birds by opening the black curtain just when they hugged each other romantically.

"Jeez, what did I tell yaw!"  Kensi danced happily.

"I was just like woooorrrrking for 5 minutes, then you guys already pulled off as a couple?  Ouch!"  I fake put my hands on the chest, pretending I had a heart attack.

"Hahaha...  Can you not."  Connor playfully pouted.  "I'm about to make the happy ending scene, now you guys ruined it."

"What kind of brother you are."  I messed Connor hair.  "Come here."

"Thank you Denize."  He whispered as I hugged him.  "You know me very well."

"I of course do!  With that wink and signs, who wouldn't."  I smirked at him, felt like a winner.

"Gosh alright whatever, but thank you."  He hugged me again.

"Come here, little lady!"  I excitedly hugged Renelene.  "You deserve him.  See?  Told you, you deserve him."

"Thank you very much..."  Her and her thick accent thanked me inside my hug as well as crying.

"Ssh...don't cry.  I don't exactly know what happened in your past, but you're a part of us now.  Connor will definitely find his way to make it up to you, to meet you again.  Like heck, I'll slap him if he doesn't."  I spoke like a proud mom.

"She literally will."  Connor nodded, giving up his faith in my hands.

"Oh I literally, definitely will."  I widened my eyes on Connor.  "There's nothing else to worry about."

"Aaaaand seems like Rene has now a full access to the backstage."  Riley showed up from behind me, hugged my neck from behind.

"Whoa..."  Connor nodded meaningfully.  "She does.  But uhm..."

"Well well well..."  Kensi tickled me.

"No, don't see it that way."  I shook my head.  Hey it's not my fault, Riley made it look like we're dating.

"So you're not..."  Renelene tried to get involved in this smirking activity.

"Nah, not."  I gave her a sign.

"Yet."  Riley added.

"Jeez, you don't cooperate!"  I elbowed his stomach playfully.

"I'm gonna dieeeee with these two couples.  Thomaaaaassss!"  Kensi ran like a little girl toward him who's working on his drums kit.

"What happened?"  Thomas immediately stood up.

"Can I be your girlfriend?"  Kensi asked the most horrible question but I know she's joking.

"Oh come to Papa, my dear..."  Thomas laughed so hard but hugged Kensi in his arms.  "I have a girlfriend.  You, step back."

"But then now what?  Me, dating..."  Toby tried to find his couple.  "R...r...yan...?"

"I'm a good option, just so you know."  Ryan acted like a girl.

"Gosh what the heck we're doing."  I shook my head repeatedly as everybody laughed.

"Woooorrrrrrrkkk!"  We suddenly heard James' voice from backstage.

"Aye, Captain!"  Connor answered.  She asked Renelene to go to the green room with me and Kensi.

"I'm about to open a freaking Kindergarten once I retire."  James sighed here and there.

"It's okay Daddy Jamie, I'll put my children in there."  I laughed, hugged this chubby James from behind.

"You're lucky I love you."  He groaned.  "Go away!"


We always made a joke on James because that's what we have.  James will always be this adorable guy who likes to yell here and there because him, and his mind full of thoughts.  Meanwhile in the other hand, the guys like to play around, seriously like a Kindergarten.  I sometimes feel bad for James but how.  When you're on tour and you gotta literally get in the plane twice a day fro the whole month, you'll find yourself want nothing but to laugh at everything...including your own road manager - slash - Daddy - slash bodyguard.  Even the parents McDonough can only groan over their boys, then James should've known.  Haha.

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