Chapter 11

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Learning the choreography for the music video took up most of my time for the rest of the week, so that I barely saw Harry. The free time that I did have was spent either picking up a shift at the store or catching up with Chloe. I made a conscious effort to talk to her more, I couldn't stop myself from continuing to feel guilty about ignoring her, but now it's almost inevitable that she'll get more annoyed at the fact that I won't leave her alone.

Working with Ed and the crew was honestly a lot less stressful than I thought it would be. The choreography was amazing, and Ed was a good dance partner, willing to work to get it right and just a good guy to hang out with. We spent hours getting steps right and perfecting all of the moves, so that by the time Friday came along we were all ready to get our costumes fitted and begin the filming the next week.

"Okay guys, we'll just go over it one more time and then we're done." The director says, signalling for the track to start up again, and Ed and I prepare for the routine.

We barely think as we run through the moves, going as hard as we can and trying to incorporate all of the critiques we've gotten for the past six hours. Now that the choreography is down pat, I focus on the feeling that I put into the dance, the little movements and expressions that sell the story of the song. If dance was just about the choreography it would be easy, but it's putting the feeling into it that is half challenge. This song; the story, the moves, it's all about Ed and I being in love, so I let my hand linger on him that touch too long, like I don't want to leave him. I smile every time we come back together, like seeing his face again is the highlight of my life. When he holds me close, I close my eyes and sink into him softly, like I'm relishing being held by him. And every time I look at him, I pretend I'm looking at the man I love, like I'm looking at Harry. Wait, what?

Before I have time to register what I just thought, the music comes to an end, and I lie on the floor next an exhausted Ed, feeling as though I've fried my brain. I push the idea out of my head, trying to focus instead on catching my breath. The crew claps us and congratulates us on a successful day as we struggle to even get up off the ground. Ed and I smile at each other and hug, happy that everything is going well and on track. The director tells us that we'll pick up with the filming next week and to rest up over the weekend.

I go over to my bag, get changed into my normal clothes, a pair of tracksuits and a simple long sleeve top, pack up my things and say goodbye to everyone as I turn to head out. I stop in my tracks as I spot Harry standing at the door talking to Ed. He waves at me and smiles when he spots me, and I unconsciously feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. God this can't be happening. I walk over to him and stiffly lean into his side, trying to act naturally, as he talks to Ed, one of his arms snaking around my shoulders.

"So, everything is going well?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, it's all going great. Can't thank you enough for recommending Maddy, she's really helped out a lot." Ed says, and I smile at him in thanks. Harry squeezes my shoulder softly, and I just know that he's looking down at me with a smirk on his face, so I prod his side with my fingers, making him jump.

"I guess we better get going. Best of luck with everything, I'll see you around." Harry says.

"You too, mate." Ed replies, waving as he turns away to gather his things.

"You alright?" Harry says pulling away so that he can look at me. I lean forward resting my head against his chest, feeling too comfortable in his embrace.

"Tired. You wanna carry me out of here?" I reply, swaying back and smiling up at him. He looks at me for a minute, with pursed lips, before he cracks a smile, turns around and bends down for me.

"Get on."

I smile widely and hop onto his back, arms looping around his neck and accidently swing my bag into his chest. But he doesn't even seem phased, just straightens up and heads on out.

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