The Horrifying Truth

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Asuna POV

     I am following Kirito because he's been rather distant lately and I'm wondering if something may be wrong. I do my best to keep out of his perception skill range and it seems to be working. After a little more walking through the town on floor 50, he goes into a rundown inn. I follow him to the third floor and wait for him to go into the room. I then sneak up and try to listen in, and yes my listening skill is high enough, I listen in and hear some...disturbing sounds. Kirito is cheating on me, my heart just shatters and I start crying, I open my menu and disband our party and walk away in tears. As I sit on a bench next to a fountain, I then think about why Kirito would do this. Then my mind wanders to fellow player and guild member, Arctodus, but I just call him by his real world name and he's my best friend.


     Kirito left me alone yesterday after defeating the boss of floor 1 and I am at the tavern getting something to eat and I think of how lonely I am again.

????: Excuse me, Miss.

     I look up and see a huge man, bigger than Agil, standing near my table.

     I look up and see a huge man, bigger than Agil, standing near my table

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????: Do you mind if we share this table? Everywhere else is full.

Asuna: No, I don't mind at all. Please have a seat.

(Y/n): I'm Arctodus by the way.

Asuna: Asuna, it's nice to meet you.

(Y/n): The pleasure is mine, Ms. Asuna.

Asuna: *blushes* Just Asuna will be fine.

(Y/n): Oh, my apologies.

Asuna: It's alright, it's just a tad embarrassing when people address me that way.

(Y/n): No worries.

     We spend the next couple of hours just talking and I even laughed at a few of his stupid jokes. Afterwards I sent him a friend request, which he accepted. After that meeting we would party up from time to time just to hang out and sharpen our skills. If I ever had a problem Arctodus would always be there for me. He even trusted me with his real world name, (Y/n), I like that name, we had come up with all sorts of combo moves for combat, most of them involving (Y/n) blocking the attack then I strike while it recovers.

Flashback Ends

     I wipe away more tears and send (Y/n) some coordinates and an S.O.S message. I head to floor 57 and get a table at the inn in the city, a few minutes later (Y/n) walked in.

 I head to floor 57 and get a table at the inn in the city, a few minutes later (Y/n) walked in

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(A/N): Just the armor. I'll show your weapons later.

     I look up at him as he removes his helmet and I still have tears in my eyes and this concerns him. He sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug, which I melt into and start crying profusely into his chestplate. For a few minutes we didn't even talk, (Y/n) just held me while I let out my emotions onto his chestplate. I finally pull away and look into his (E/C) eyes and he let's me calm down before asking.

(Y/n): It's alright, your safe now. Now what happened?

Asuna: *sniffles* Kirito. He....cheated on me.

(Y/n): *shocked* What?

Asuna: He had been distant lately and I was finally fed up with it and followed him to an inn.

(Y/n): Oh Asuna, I'm so sorry. I wish I could say something to make this better.

Asuna: Just being here is enough right now.

     (Y/n) bought some tea for us and just continued to talk to me for the next hour until it started getting late. I started getting ready to leave, but then thought that I didn't have another place to stay tonight. Then (Y/n) pipes up again.

(Y/n): I'm guessing you don't have anywhere else to stay?

Asuna: *blushes in embarrassment* No.

(Y/n): Alright, come on. It's getting dark.

     He takes my hand and leads me through town, to floor 68 and to his flat. He then gives me some clothes from his dresser and walks out of the bedroom. I get changed and walk out and see he's making sure his flail, shield and armor are sharpened and ready, just in case. Just then though there is a knock on the door, (Y/n) gestures for me to go back in the bedroom.

(Y/n) POV

     Asuna went back into the bedroom, I go to the door and open it and who else would it be but the cheater himself. I want to strangle Kirito right now but I have to hold myself back for Asuna's sake.

(Y/n): Hey Kirito, what's going on?

Kirito: I was wondering if you had seen or heard from Asuna today?

(Y/n): Hmm, no not really. Just small talk earlier in the morning. Why?

Kirito: It's just, I saw her location pinged somewhere on this floor. I was wondering if she came to see you.

(Y/n): Sorry pal, if I do see her I'll let you know.

Kirito: Thanks. It's dangerous for her to be out here alone. I'm just worried.

(Y/n): Hey, it's going to be alright. She'll turn up, she's not defenseless.

Kirito: You're right. Thanks, goodnight.

(Y/n): Goodnight.

     Kirito leaves the stairs before I close the door behind me, I turn off the living room lights and head to the bedroom and check on Asuna. Asuna is crouching in the corner, crying again. I kneel down to her and put a hand on hers, she looks up and through sniffles and tears she asks.

Asuna: Is-Is he gone?

(Y/n): Yeah, you don't need to worry about him. I will protect you, I promise.

Asuna: *hugs (Y/n) tightly* Thank you. Thank you so much.

(Y/n): Shh, it's alright. Now how bout we get some sleep?

     I guide her to the bed and makes sure she feels safe, before trying to leave and take a position on the couch. Before I can leave, Asuna grabs my hand again and looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

Asuna: Please stay, I don't think I'm ready to be alone.

(Y/n): *contemplate for a minute* Okay.

     I unequip my armor, shield and weapons and get under the covers, Asuna then wraps her arm around my abdomen and surprisingly snuggles close to me. We then both fall asleep and I mentally prepare to help Asuna with whatever she needs.

Asuna POV

     I feel (Y/n) has fallen asleep, this isn't the first time we've been forced to share the same bed, but this time was different. I open my eyes and look at (Y/n)'s sleeping face and feel myself smile, I could always count on (Y/n) for anything. I close my eyes and fall asleep, knowing that whatever happens, (Y/n) will be there if I need help this time too.

(A/N): Hey guys, hope you're enjoying your day and the story so far. Leave a like if you do, and I will see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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