Part 7

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Author's note: In this story, two months pass between Andy and Sullivan's fight and the storm.

I hope you enjoy and as always, I will love it if you leave your thoughts.


"I really don't want to be here." Andy protests as she is pulling the bar stool between Maya and Vic and sitting down.

Work. Home. Rinse. Repeat. That's pretty much all that she had in herself to do for the last two months, and even being at those two places made her feel like she is struggling to keep her head above water sometimes.

"Andy... I know you are upset about that fight you had with Sullivan, but it has been two months since, you have to move on." Maya says, checking her surroundings.

They all agreed that Joe's was a bad idea for their girls night out. Well, Maya and Vic thought they needed a change of scenery, while Andy just wanted to stay at the apartment and binge watch whatever Netflix had to offer. They settled on a bar that Vic suggested, and finally managed to convince Andy to come, in an exchange for a promise that if the night doesn't go well, they will leave her be for the rest of her life.

"Guys, according to the forecast, there is a storm that is supposed to hit tomorrow. And Warren didn't leave me alone until I agreed to come to his stupid Friendsgiving dinner. I think we should really call it a night." Andy tries her luck one more time, but is faced with a determined refusal from her friends.

"No way. We came to find you a rebound, and you are not leaving until you at least give your number to one guy." Vic finally reveals the true nature of their night out.

"Oh no. No, no, a thousand times no. We all know what happened the last time I went home with a stranger I met at a bar. That's what got me into this trouble in the first place." Andy sighs. "And I really think Sullivan broke the part in me that makes my libido function normally. It's like if I don't get to have the amazing, mind blowing, incredible sex with him, I rather have no sex at all."

"Sister, if you use that pizza metaphor one more time..." Vic trails off in warning. "Sometimes, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. Sometimes, when our favorite pizza place is closed for renovations, we eat mediocre pizza, until we find another really good pizza place. You stay, end of discussion."

As Vic orders the entire group drinks (Vodka for herself and Maya, tequila for Andy. Hanging out with Meredith Grey as much as she does, makes you pick up on some habits.), Andy twists her right ankle carefully. It doesn't hurt anymore, but there is still some stiffness to it, and it bothers her from time to time.

As she waits for the bartender to pour her drink, her mind trails off to the day that ended in her personally getting acquainted with Dr. Atticus Lincoln.

Two months earlier

Andy's breakfast is already cold.

She pushes her food around with her fork, barely touching the bacon and eggs on her plate, while everyone else chatter excitedly. She doesn't have an appetite, yet she sits around the big table and pretends to take a bite here and there.

Everyone at the station has been checking on her constantly since last week, asking her how she is doing or if she needs anything. However, she suspects that the real reason they have been hovering around her is that they want to know how she got away with everything without even a reprimand, considering the spectacle she put on in front of everyone, including the fire chief.

The last thing she needs is adding inquiries about her eating habits to their ongoing list of questions.

"Hey, captain." Ben greets Sullivan as he enters the beanery, followed by a wave of acknowledging nods and murmured hellos.

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