Part 8- Memorized

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Author's notes: Hey everyone!

A few things before you dive into this chapter.
As always, thank you so much for reading and leaving comments. Means the world to me.
Second, I have no medical knowledge, so I made everything up. Roll with me please.
This chapter takes place during season 2, episode 8. I had to adjust some things, so not everything will be exactly as it was on the show.
This episode was inspired by the song "Memorized" from the TV show This Is Us. If you have never heard the song, I highly recommend it, it is just beautiful and fits the story and this ship (I also recommend the show if you have never watched it)
Unfortunately, I have started taking some classes at Uni. I will try to keep uploading twice a week like I have done up until now, but I can't make any promises, and I apologize in advance if the chapters are going to be posted with longer breaks between them. 
One last thing, you are in for an M rated treat at the end of this chapter, so read it all the way to the end ;)
I think this is it, and I hope you enjoy.


"Can one wrong turn give me new direction?
Can one false move bring you one true friend?
Could a stranger ever end up being you?"

-Memorized by Blake Stadnik


"What the hell are you doing?" Andy asks as she climbs back into the aid car. "You are not supposed to move! Did you twist your spine?"

The monitor beeps as she starts pressing Shannon's chest. The noise is loud as the monitor shows nothing but a flat line, and it crawls deep under her skin. She promised her patient no one dies today. She promised her they are all going to make it out alive.

Andy Herrera is many things, but a woman who doesn't fulfill her promises is not one of them.

"She was coding again, I had to." Sullivan tries to explain as he feels a surge of pain again, sharper than before.

"Has your numbness cracked any higher?" Andy questions as she continues with the pressing.

She has to stay alive. All three of them do.

"Yes." He admits, closing his eyes shut as the pain reaches an unbearable level, even though his blood stream is flooded with painkillers. It is worse than she believes, worse than both of them think. By now, he is pretty positive there is something else other than the spinal injury that they both missed. But he won't say it to her until he absolutely has to. She is exhausted, and as soon as the adrenaline wears off, she will feel everything in full power as well.

"Damn it, why can't you listen to what I have to say just once! You may have extended the damage."

There is no sound in the aid car other than the beeping of the monitor, the rhythmic movement of Andy's body as she presses Shannon's chest, and the heavy breathing of the two firefighters. Neither of them knows how long she is trying to get her patient back before Sullivan calls her name.

"No!" She refuses to listen, knowing full well what he is about to say. There is always a chance, there is always a hope, she just has to continue doing CPR until someone will come for them.

"Andy, stop. She is gone. There is nothing more you can do for her."

That awful beeping. She is certain that if she makes it out of here alive, she will hear the sound in her nightmares.

She falls on the seat next to him and breaths heavily. The constant beeping is still there, but she doesn't have the power in her to reach out and press the button that will make it stop.

"Andy, Andy!" He calls her name again. "You are hyperventilating. You can't breath like that, or you will have a panic attack. You need to reserve your powers. There is no telling when someone will get you out of here."

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